, Mon, 09 Jul 2007 20:35:17 GMT --> green house effect global warming
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Interests of environmentalists and insurance companies align "They always will try to shift the focus from their The Herald-Tribune
WASHINGTON -- Michael and Ellen Heller built a new house on the site of their 1960s-era home in Port Charlotte after Hurricane Charley wrecked it in 2004, costing their insurer more than $200,000.
Don’t Let The Sun Catch You Crying Over Your Energy Bills Topanga Messenger
I was encouraged to see the recent Messenger articles on energy use—the September 7 issue featured “Shocking Spikes in Electric Rates” and in the August 24 “Talk of the Town” asked, “What Topangan’s Are Doing to Combat Global Warming.”
SUNNYVALE / Schwarzenegger, N.Y. mayor tout green leadership / Republican stars push bipartisanship on energy firm tour San Francisco Chronicle
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg -- two leading Republicans eager to burnish their environmental credentials -- appeared Thursday in Silicon Valley at an event aimed as much at pumping up their bipartisan political profiles
State Sues Automakers For Green House Gas Damages KRXI-TV Reno
California's attorney general on Wednesday sued the six largest U.S. and Japanese automakers, including GM, Ford and Toyota, for damages related to greenhouse gas emissions.
Climate-controlled White House Salon.com
The administration claims it wasn't telling scientists what to say about climate change; e-mails obtained by Salon prove otherwise.
A Darker Shade of Green Port Folio Weekly
in early autumn, the Naro Expanded Cinema has hosted a weeklong Green Screen Film Festival, featuring a lively variety of recent documentaries on environmental themes, along with various activities at surrounding venues, such as Elliot’s Fair Grounds Coffee House and the Studio for the Healing Arts.
Trying To Cool The Earth University of Connecticut Daily Campus
Concerns about global warming have caused several organizations to look to college students to help combat unnatural climate change. The Energy Action Coalition, a large organization comprising of 30 other groups including the National Wildlife Federation, has launched the Campus Climate Challenge.
Bush's climate-controlled White House Salon.com
The administration claims it wasn't trying to tell government scientists what to say about climate change, but e-mails obtained by Salon prove otherwise.
Firms jump on the green bandwagon Times Online
IT is an environmentalist’s dream. A high-tech store where tills are powered by wind turbines, the in-house bakery is fired by solar power and every part of the building is made from recycled materials.
The Eroding of America Salt Lake City Weekly
Katrina’s winds shredded through the Gulf South like a giant scythe, but it was the flood in New Orleans that jolted the national psyche, leaving the deepest memory. The flood turned the Big Easy into a disaster zone, planting the image of a Third World backwater.

solcomhouse-Global Warming
Global Warming. The 'Greenhouse Effect'. The greenhouse effect is a natural occurrence that maintains Earth's average temperature at approximately 60
EPA : Global Warming : Climate
The EPA Global Warming Site: Climate section focuses on the science of global warming or Information on how the greenhouse affect effects the earth.
Greenhouse Effect - Crystalinks
The difference between the natural greenhouse effect and global warming is that - global warming is anthropogenic whereas greenhouse effect is not .
Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming Facts and Greenhouse Gas
The greenhouse effect, other global warming facts and data, including GHG emissions, fossil fuels.
Bad Greenhouse
Global warming is the name given to an expected increase in the magnitude of the greenhouse effect, whereby the surface of the Earth will amost inevitably

Greenhouse Effect - Crystalinks
The difference between the natural greenhouse effect and global warming is that - global warming is anthropogenic whereas greenhouse effect is not .
Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming Facts and Greenhouse Gas
The greenhouse effect, other global warming facts and data, including GHG emissions, fossil fuels.
Bad Greenhouse
Global warming is the name given to an expected increase in the magnitude of the greenhouse effect, whereby the surface of the Earth will amost inevitably
The Greenhouse Effect
The greenhouse effect refers to circumstances where the short Global Warming. An issue of major concern is the possible effect of the burning of fossil
NCDC: Global Warming
What is the greenhouse effect, and is it affecting our climate? Are greenhouse gases increasing? Is the climate warming? Are El Niños related to Global
EPA : EPA Global Warming Site
The EPA Global Warming Site focuses on the science and impacts of global warming or Dash Greenhouse Gases? Dash How serious is it? Dash What do we know?
EPA : Global Warming : Climate
The EPA Global Warming Site: Climate section focuses on the science of global Without this natural “greenhouse effect,” temperatures would be much lower
Global Change /Climate Change
This is fortunate for the natural greenhouse effect creates a climate in which Such a global warming would probably bring other, sometimes deleterious,


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  • green
  • house
  • effect
  • global
  • warming

    , Mon, 09 Jul 2007 20:35:17 GMT -->