How I Run a Tualatin CPU on a abit BX133 raid (part IV) *Tuning*


After getting a workable Tualatin on the ABIT BX133 i wanted to squash from that CPU all the juice a can

So i decided to remove the cover plate and recover it using a better internal compound

Here you are some pics of my skinned Celeron Tualatin 1.0A after removing all the original pad and cleaning surfaces :




I used a normal cutter to open the cover an then I took an old slocket to be used as a work base.

I put some silver compound on the small core and  a black engine sealant as glue around the plate track

So i close it and used a heatsink clip to press the sandwich and let it dry firmly

Some close view of the covering method :




After this work the CPU seem like it was when i bought it :




Here you are a screenshoot of the System/Temperature :


Finally I have raised my objective! I'm satisfied! :)font>



All i wrote in these pages is what i could learn thanks to the great work and care of many guys  in a few HW forums,

here you are some links where i found very useful tricks about the Tualatin pin modding :


other links are listen in the pages I linked above

have fun!

