Without going pointlessly into the matter at great length, we will list some symptoms which could help direct someone to a gnathologist by system and by apparatus, while keeping in mind that most of them cannot be explained by the patient or definitely diagnosed by the doctor;  this  therefore relegates them to the personal symptom evaluation which lends credence to the idea that the patient is imagining things:

ABDOMEN : muscular and periumbilical pains;

ALLERGIES : of all types and all over the body, auto-immune illnesses;

ARTICULATIONS : arthritis, arthrosis, synovitis;

ARMS : muscular pain, epicondilitis,  Raynaud’s syndrome, paresis, paralysis;

AWAKENING : fatigue, headache, bitter taste in the mouth, holiday headaches;

BACK : scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis, pain, lumbago;

BALANCE : loss of or reduced for undefined reasons (dizziness);

BLOOD PRESSURE : inexplicable and unstable changes in blood pressure;

BLOOD VESSELS : temporary or permanent states of spastic occlusion of veins and arteries;

BRAIN : epilepsy, multiple sclerosis (auto-immune illnesses), paresis, paralysis;

BREATHING : reduced or no breathing through the nasal passages [obligatory breathing through the mouth];

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM : hormonal changes of all types; auto-immune illnesses;

EYES : glaucoma, uveitis, strabism, scotoma, retinitis, vitreoretinal coalescence, changes in the field of vision, changes in tearing, pain, cataracts, recurrent conjunctivitis, oedema of the retina or detachment of the retina, lagophthalmos (incomplete closure of the eyelids);

FACE : diversity of the eyes, of the nostrils, of the frontal bossing, of the cheeks, drooping eyelids, painful swellings suggesting dental abscesses;

facial paresis and paralysis, blepharism, facial tics, in the lips, in the eyelids, trigeminal neuralgia;

FEET : pain, muscular and bone hypertrophy, swelling, tingling, heel pain;

GUMS : shrinkage, bleeding;

HANDS : tingling, swelling, lack of strength, carpal tunnel syndrome, chapped or cracked skin, skin ulcers, Raynaud syndrome;

HEAD : headaches of varying intensity and duration associated or not associated with stressful causes;

HEART : palpitations, altered heart beat, forms of angina;

INTESTINE : digestive problems, hiccuping, vomiting, diarrhoea, intestinal pain, colitis;

JAW : projection or retraction, non-surgical repositioning;