
Conquering Bear ( Oglala Sioux )

Curley Bear ( Blackfoot )

Medicine Crow - Perits Shinakpas ( Crow ) 1848-....

Plenty Coups - Adhantsi ahush ( Crow ) 1848-1932

Scabby Bull - Kakuyanaka ( Arapaho )

Dull Knife ( Northern Cheyenne ) 1810-1883

Geronimo - Goyathlay ( Apache )  1829-1909

Naiche (Chiricahua Apache) 1857-1921 [Geronimo allied]

Low Dog - Xunka Kuciyedan ( Oglala Sioux )

Man Packs The Eagle - Whoe A Ke ( Cuthead Sioux )

Chato (Mescalero Apache) [Cochise Captain]

Red Arrow - Wanduta ( Lakota Sioux )

Crow King - Kangi Yatapi ( Hunkpapa Sioux )

Rain In The Face - Itomagaju (Hunkpapa Sioux) 1835-1905

Red Cloud - Mahpiya Luta (Oglala Sioux) 1822-1909

Red Cloud (old) - Mahpiya Luta (Oglala Sioux) 1822-1909

Red Fish ( Dakota Sioux )

Red Horse - Tasunke Luta - ( Sioux )

Chief Joseph - Hin mah too yah lat kekt  ( Nez Perce )

Two Hatchet ( Kiowa )

Sitting Bull - Tatanka Yotanka (Hunkpapa Sioux) 1831-1890

Sitting Bull - Tatanka Yotanka (Hunkpapa Sioux) 1831-1890

Gall - Pizi ( Hunkpapa Sioux ) 1838-1894

White Belly ( Sioux )

Two Strikes - Nomkahpa ( Brulé Sioux )

Yellow Dog ( Crow )

Little Big Man ( Oglala Sioux )

Red Armed Panther ( Cheyenne ) 
  • Archives of the West
  • Western History Photograph
  • Native genealogy sioux photos
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