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Wii available @ Bestbuy 11/26 12 per store min.
Bestbuy's Sunday circular lists the Nintendo Wii for sale, minimum quantity 12 per store. I verified this through a Best Buy associate on Saturday night, so time to get in line
Break.com Ups Pay to $400 Per Video Clip
With so many companies racing to capture a share of the Internet video market, there seems to be a shortage of watchable videos to display. Or that’s the message from Break.com, which is increasing the amount of money it is willing to
Biotechnology Development Costs Top $1.2 Billion Per Product
The average cost of developing a new therapeutic biotechnology product is more than $1.2 billion, including the costs of drugs that fail in testing and the time associated with bringing these products to market, according to a new study
Government to buy 59.73 per cent of State Bank of India
The government has finalised plans to buy the Reserve Bank of India's entire stake of 59.73 per cent in the largest Indian bank, State Bank of India (SBI) by December 2006
One Laptop Per Child
Introducing the children's laptop from One Laptop per Child—a potent learning tool created expressly for the world's poorest children living in its most remote environments. The laptop was designed collaboratively by experts from both
Pay Per Digg- End of An Era
Sad…really it is. Sam at CostPerNews covers the outright, outrageous gaming of Digg. Pay Per Digg Users are paid $0.50 for every 3 stories they digg. You can also submit a story to be amped by paying $20 plus $1 per desired digg.
100 best books of 2006, per The New York Times
I'm borrowing this list for reference because I haven't been good about keeping up with the book reviews online since we stopped taking the paper. (That was like, three years ago.) I'm hoping these short descriptions have failed to
Raimat in Costers del Segre, Catalonia, Spain
041006-147-4712 Raimat is very famous for this unusual winery building. It is the main fermentation hall and contains stainless steel fermentation and storage tanks and barrels with plenty of wine. Building in poured concrete was new
Unwrapping the One Laptop Per Child Machine
The One Laptop Per Child machine, the cute, kid-sized and rugged laptop designed to revolutionize access to educational resources in the Global South has arrived. We've published several sneak peeks at earlier models, but now you can
Interim Finance Director - Growing FMCG Drinks, 450.0 - 600.0 per
Interim Finance Director - Growing FMCG Drinks, 450.0 - 600.0 per day, Central London Our client has a unique product offering within the FMCG drinks market and they have experience significant growth in the last 5 years.

Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni
Home Page del sito dell' Autorita' per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni.
Garante per la protezione dei dati personali
Garante per la protezione dei dati personali Sito ufficiale Italian Data Protection Commission Official web site.
Università per Stranieri di Perugia Ambasciatrice dell'Italia
sito dell'Universita' per Stranieri di Perugia, ambasciatrice dell'Italia nel mondo dal 1925.
Un ponte per
ociazione di volontariato nata nel 1991 con lo scopo di promuovere iniziative di solidarietà in favore delle olazioni del Medio Oriente.
aipa autorità per l informatica nella pubblica amministrazione
Il nuovo sito del Centro nazionale per l'informatica nella pubblica amministrazione è all'indirizzo http://www.cnipa.gov.it.
Home page Autorità per l'energia elettrica e il gas
Leggi e regolamenti che disciplinano il settore energetico. I diritti dei consumatori.
Regna Strumenti informatici per l'Antichità Clica
Repertorio annotato in costante aggiornamento delle risorse esistenti nella rete per gli studi clici. Fonti letterarie, epigrafiche, papiracee,
Autorità per la Vigilanza sui Contratti Pubblici di Lavori
Norme, regolamenti, decisioni e pareri sulla qualità delle opere e dei lavori. Sezione riservata alle società di ingegneria.
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