
country life
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Country Life
I know I haven’t whined about this in a while, but it is now official, I no longer live in the country;. When I first moved out there I couldn’t see another neighboring house. Now it seems that I can see 13 houses.
another country heard from--
Well, I've done it again. And lost the Publisher's Weekly reviewer in the bushes. Whiskey and Water: A Novel of the Promethean Age Elizabeth Bear. Roc, $14 paper (448p) ISBN 978-0-451-46149-0. Addressing such wide-ranging topics as
Where did they go?
When we moved house we left a lot of things behind. It was an interstate move and expensive removalist wise, so much junk was thrown out. We've been here a year and four months now and just a few weeks ago I found the last of the
"I'ma Little Bit Country."
Either way, last weekend, the Squirmy E family descended upon the home of country; music, Nashville, TN (or Nashvegas, as I learn it is "lovingly" called by some) to visit Husband's sister & brother-in-law. What we didn't know when we
Country Life part 2
I understand that an earlier entry was construed by some people as party political. For the avoidance of doubt, the entry now contains no reference to political parties and simply reproduces an interesting/suggestiv/thoughtful,
The Non-weekend, and Um Well, You'll See
No big plans for me and Donna this weekend, so I'll save my energy for the following weekend. I've been getting a lot done around here, even tho the summer-like weather has taken a turn back toward spring. The high today was 62,
Political Correctness is the Incubator of Islamism
The idea of Melting Pot may work with people who come from different lands to make the new country; their home. The Islamists, on the other hand, come with the belief that they already own the place and want to make it part of the Ummeh.
"do you want to be passive observers?"
In both your own life; and the life; of your country;, will you strive to put away childish things? It is a constant struggle, this quest for maturity, and as my wife will certainly tell you, I haven’t always been on the winning side in my
No Country for Old Men
Clearly a killer by profession, the lucid, direct-talking man considers anyone else who crosses his path fair game; if everything you've done in your life; has led you to him, he may explain to his about-to-be victims, your time might
Estonia Attacked !!!
Life; in the country; was disrupted for the last 3 weeks, entire state administration was paralyzed, banks came to a standstill and companies had to freeze their operations. This is how bad it could be in a cyber war.
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