entry  form


Team name_________________________________________________________

State Association____________________________________________________

Contact Name_______________________________________________________



 Age groups

Class A        boys born 1st   January     1992  and later                              ___________

Class B        boys born 1st   January     1993  and later                              ___________

Class C        boys born 1st   January     1995  and later                             ___________

Class D        boys born 1st   January     1997  and later                             ___________

  Accommodation in hotel:

    Number of players _________Number of adults__________

 Accommodation in school

   Number of players _________Number of adults__________

 ·  Excursions required____________________________                              


 Please fill in this application and send (by mail or by fax) on 10 of January  2005 at the latest,  
Flegrei’s  Cup - Via Lucullo, 104 - 80070 Bacoli (Naples)  -  Italy
Phone and  home fax: 081 / 8688337     Office  fax: 081 /  8553267

  flegreiscup@libero.it      pepsal@libero.it   

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