Namibia  (updated
1 jan 2000)
Good site. Subscribe, order, and see ALL images of Namibian stamps since
1990. You can subscribe to a mailing list.
Nauru (updated 2 Feb 2008)
Post Office
postal website : |
R.O.N. Philatelic Bureau
Republic of Nauru
Nauru Island
Central Pacific |
philatelic website : |
online shop : |
Nepal (updated 23 Nov 2006)
Postal Service
The Netherlands (updated 14 Apr 2006)
Tpg Post
A new site is online but the english version is no more available!
Online shop is available ONLY for dutch citizens - foreign collectors can buy only by e-mail:
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your interest in Dutch stamps.As you already noticed it is almost impossible to order on our website from abroad. I appologize for this. You can order by e-mail or by letter. When you place an order you will receive a payment request on which is mentioned how you can pay, also by credit card. I hope I have informed you sufficiently.
Kind regards,
K. Brunsveld
TNT Post Collect Club
Netherlands Antilles (updated
14 Apr 2006)
Nieuwe Post Nederlandse Antillen NV (NPNA)
A new site is finally online and running!! Online shop added.
You can also order year packs from post of Netherlands:
Nevis (updated 3 Nov
Nevis Post
This new link is still not the official site of post office but it has
updated info, including stock list of 1999 issues and 2000 stamp programme.
New Caledonia    (updated 19 Apr 2002)
OPT de Nouvelle-Calédonie
A very good website. You can see current year stamp programme , images
of every stamp currently on sale and you can order them (only payment
is not possible online). Stamps of New Caledonia are also sold by french
New Zealand     (updated 19 Sep 2009)
New Zealand Post
Site of NZ Stamp Centre. Latest issues, full online shop, philatelic
bulletins online; join mailing list. NZ Post issues also the stamps
of Ross Dependency. Nz Post is also selling NZ coins and the stamps
of Niue, Vanuatu, Hong Kong, United Nations, Pitcairn, Samoan,
Malta, Fiji, Tonga and Niuafo'uo.
Nicaragua   (updated 1 Nov 2010)
Correos de Nicaragua-TELCOR
Niger (updated 1 Nov
Niger Poste
postal website : |
ONPE (Office National de la Poste et de
BP 742
République du Niger |
philatelic website : |
online shop : |
Nigeria (updated 3 Nov 2010)
NIPOST - Nigeria Post
Niuafo'ou (updated
6 Feb 2000)
Post Office
Niuafo'ou is part of Tonga but it's issuing its own stamps since 1983.
You can also buy these stamps from NZ post.
postal website : |
The Philatelic Bureau Tonga
Box 164 , Head Post Office
Kingdom of Tonga
South Pacific |
philatelic website : |
online shop : |
email : |
& Tonga philatelic websites |
Niue (updated 1 Nov
Post Office
Philatelic bureau in Niue has been closed. All stamp enquiries should be sent to New Zealand Post in New Zealand who is responsible for minting and marketing stamps of Niue.
postal website : |
The Manager
Niue Philatelic & Numismatic Bureau LTD.
PO Box 73
Alofi, Niue Island
South Pacific (Via New Zealand)
Fax : +683 4386 |
philatelic website : |
online shop : |
Norfolk Island  (updated 29 Mar 2003)
Norfolk Island Postal Service
Info on 1998 issues to date plus images. A form is available to contact
them for additional information. This site is again updated. They also
have a page at Yahoo clubs with a photo album available only if you
join the club: .
You can ask for bulletins and order forms by e-mail. Philatelic Bureau
accepts any major currency in cash in an envelope, but charge A$8.00
for any currency other than A$; they charge A$0.75 every time for P/H.
Norway     (updated 30 Nov 2008)
Norway Post
An advanced online shop has been added and now it's possible to buy the whole offer of the stamp bureau. Great!
Subscribe stamps online, view stamp programme, online ordering of year
products only, images of latest issues. English. You can also order
free brochures.