Ok, welcome to everyone..in this part of the site you'll get no shit about extreme noise terror but only about this page's creator.. Dr_kRu5t !! Why an extreme noise terror homepage? I surfed the net and i found only ridicolous pages about my favourite crustcore band. Well some of this sites helped me to make this one so i'll stop to throw shit upon them lol. Uhm what the hell i was saying?..oh yes, Extreme Noise Terror, one of the best bands i have ever heard, starting with the Chaos UK split dirty crust and finishing with a old style Napalm Death's grind in their last album. What else,hope you'll enjoy this , write me if you want to insult or tell me something. marco the transgenico
-------------------------------- ! ! N E W S ! !-----------------------------
  • As you all asked.. some more early days pictures!! Check PICS section!
  • Extreme Noise Terror video added! check the SOUNDS section
  • Extreme Nois Terror feat. The KLF song added! check the SOUNDS section 01-10-02
  • New stuff in PICS, DISCOGRAPHY and LINKS sections
  • -------------------------------- T H a N k 5 to-----------------------------
    Francesko, Piercarlo, Christian, Kern & Maggie (get.to/ent), Ilsa, Disrupt, Koroner, Cibby, Punx, Falko Müller, Giulio The Bastard, www.allmusic.com finally obviusly, Extreme Noise Terror ...these persons helped me with or against their will :)
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    since 14/10/2002