HTTP ETag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An ETag (entity tag) is an HTTP response header returned by an HTTP/1.1 compliant web server used to determine change in content at a given URL . When a new HTTP response contains ...

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Entity Tag ("ETag") Response ...
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) specifies a state identifier, called "Entity Tag", to be returned in the "ETag" response header. However, the description of this header for ...

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Entity Tag ("ETag") Response ...
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) specifies a state identifier, called "Entity Tag", to be returned in the "ETag" response header. However, the description of this header for ...

ETag and Last-Modified Headers [Universal Feed Parser]
The basic concept is that a feed publisher may provide a special HTTP header, called an ETag, when it publishes a feed. You should send this ETag back to the server on subsequent ...

PHP: http_cache_etag - Manual
... cache the sent entity by its ETag , either supplied or generated by the hash algorithm specified by the impostazioni INI http.etag.mode . If the clients If-None-Match header ...

PHP: http_match_etag - Manual
http_match_etag (PECL pecl_http:0.1.0-1.5.5) http_match_etag — Match ETag ... http_match_last_modified() http_match_request_header() http_cache_etag() http_cache_last_modified() ob ...

PHP: http_match_etag - Manual
http_match_etag (PECL pecl_http:0.1.0-1.5.5) http_match_etag — Match ETag ... http_match_last_modified() http_match_request_header() http_cache_etag() http_cache_last_modified() ob ...

PHP: http_match_etag - Manual
http_match_etag (PECL pecl_http:0.1.0-1.5.5) http_match_etag — Match ETag ... http_match_last_modified() http_match_request_header() http_cache_etag() http_cache_last_modified() ob ...

Http 1.1 Etag 与 Last-Modified - DBA notes
The basic concept is that a feed publisher may provide a special HTTP header, called an ETag, when it publishes a feed. You should send this ETag back to the server on subsequent ...
Fri, 18 Jan 2008 02:51:00 GMT