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[ Mental Health ] Open Question: i'm on lexapro, the anxiety's
Is there any coctail, my doctor can whip up for me? I would like to try wellbrutrin, because I don't need to gain anymore weight. what can I do about this depression? I feel like sleeping all day, and don't want to talk to my friends,
[ Mental Health ] Open Question: Can anyone help me with my OCD
Since I was a kid I have always had Panic Attacks, where I feel I am losing some sort of control over my body, and it creates tremendous anxiety. But about a year ago I started to get OCD symptoms. I started to have crazy thoughts like
Lecturer in Mental Health and Social Care Substance Misuse
School of Nursing - University of Nottingham / Date of entry: 06/11/06
Lobby of Parliament over the Mental Health Bill - 28/11/06
As someone who has sampled the open-minded services of the mental health system (hint of sarcasm there) I just wanted to make people aware that the dreaded streamlined Mental Health Bill is being published this month and the Mental
Mental Health Project lecture
Mental Health Project is having a lunch lecture. The talk will be on criminal profiling, This topic isn’t your usual Mental Health topic, so come check it out! Should be interesting… - Add This to My RSSCalendar
Open Question: what questions should i expect?
I have an appointment with mental health Jan 5th, what will they be asking me, and should i be as scared about it as i am
Open Question: Where can I find seasonal depression lamp or lights?
The lights are used for indoviguals to releave winter mental depression, as you would use a sun lamp or light
Open Question: What is your position on the uses of electroshock
Do you think its helpful or harmful? A couple of my friends were having a debate over it today at school
Breastfeeding Your Child; Is it better for their mental health?
Breastfeeding Your Child; Is it better for their mental health? A recent study by the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research shows evidence those children whom are breastfed for longer then six months show significantly better
Open Question: What doctor in TN will help a teen w/ severe
I've tried almost the entire list of SSRI's, with nothing to show for it. They either cause headaches, nausia, vomiting, or had no effect whatsoever. I've been in talk therapy/congnative behavior therapy since I was 5.

Mental Health in the Yahoo! Directory
Collection of sites focusing on mental health and mental disorders, with sections on specific conditions, support groups, books, and counseling and therapy.
Mental Health Net
Offering resources in self-help, psychology, and mental health.
The National Mental Health Association - Leading the Way for
Dedicated to promoting mental health, preventing mental disorders and achieving victory over mental illnesses through advocacy, education, research and
Internet Mental Health
The 52 most common mental disorders, medications, news, recovery stories, links.
Canadian Mental Health Association
Promotes good mental health and advocates for social change.

The National Mental Health Association - Leading the Way for
Dedicated to promoting mental health, preventing mental disorders and achieving victory over mental illnesses through advocacy, education, research and
Internet Mental Health
The 52 most common mental disorders, medications, news, recovery stories, links.
Internet Mental Health
Since 1995, Internet Mental Health has provided information on mental health "The burden of mental illness on health and productivity in the United
Canadian Mental Health Association
Promotes good mental health and advocates for social change.
Mental health : The Department of Health - P&G: Health topics
Mental health services in England are experiencing a period of unprecedented change. In the last five years, a wealth of evidence has emerged about which
Welcome to the Mental Health Foundation
Charity improving the lives of those with mental health problems or learning disabilities. Research, service development and information to increase
Mental Health
More about Children and Mental Health More about Teens and Mental Health NOAH's information has been selected from a variety of consumer health
WHO | Mental health
The Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse provides leadership and guidance The recently launched mental health Global Action Programme (mhGAP)
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