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Netopia Unveils Distributed and Integrated Carrier-Class VoIP Strategy For Service Providers FinanzNachrichten
Netopia, ( Nachrichten ) Inc. (Nasdaq:NTPA), a market leader in broadband service assurance solutions, unveiled its two-pronged product development strategy to support the deployment of VoIP services at the Broadband World Forum Europe in Paris today.
Netopia NBBS Adds New Protocol Support for VoIP and IPTV Service Management FinanzNachrichten
Netopia, ( Nachrichten ) Inc. (Nasdaq: NTPA), a market leader in broadband service assurance solutions, today released the latest version of its Netopia Broadband Server (NBBS), version 3.1, developed to industry standards including the DSL Forum ' s TR-069 specification for the remote management of triple-play customer premises equipment (CPE). NBBS enables automated provisioning, remote
Netopia NBBS Adds New Protocol Support for VoIP and IPTV Service Management Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
PARIS----Netopia, Inc. , a market leader in broadband service assurance solutions, today released the latest version of its Netopia Broadband Server , version 3.1, developed to industry standards including the DSL Forum's TR-069 specification for the remote management of triple-play customer premises equipment .
Put the cell phone on hold, then try these VoIP devices Pioneer Press
I admit it: I don't have a cell phone. I want one but don't need one and can't justify the expense, so I endure stares and gasps when I confess my cell-less state at parties.
GoIP’s “VoIP in a Box” solution selected by Deutsche Telekom, ICSS for worldwide distribution European Communications
GoIP International’s VoIP in a Box platform has been chosen by International Carrier Sales & Solutions (ICSS), the international wholesale unit of Deutsche Telekom AG, to enhance their service offering portfolio.
FASTWEB to deploy Thomson's wireless VoIP residential gateway European Communications
Thomson has been selected by FASTWEB - Italy's second largest fixed telephony operator and the first player worldwide to develop an all IP network for Triple Play service delivery - for the deployment of multi-play services to its customers.
GoIP’s “VoIP in a Box” Solution Selected by Deutsche Telekom, ICSS for Worldwide Distribution PR Web via Yahoo! News
(PRWEB) October 7, 2006 -- GoIP International’s “VoIP in a Box” platform enables any service provider to offer personalized and advanced Voice over IP services to their customers quickly using Deutsche Telekom’s global carrier network and local access phone numbers and services, as well as guaranteeing the quality of service (QoS).
Three-Quarters of USA Adults Subscribe to Wireless Telephone Service Cellular-News.com
Three-quarters (74%) of American adults say they currently subscribe to wireless (cell or mobile) telephone service, more than those who say they currently subscribe to wireline (landline) service (58%). About one-quarter (24%) of cell phone users consider the cell phone their primary means of communication, and two in five (41%) say their cell phone provides them with a sense of personal
Nominum to Demonstrate VoIP Peering Over an IMS Core at EuroCableNETTM Conference PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Nominum Inc., the leading provider of network naming and addressing solutions, today announced it will be demonstrating an ENUM-based VoIP peering solution featuring NeuStar and Nortel technologies at the CableLabs® and EuroCablelabs EurocableNET conference, produced in conjunction with the 2006 Broadband World Forum Europe conference.
FASTWEB to Deploy Thomson's Wireless VoIP Residential Gateway SYS-CON Media
FASTWEB to Deploy Thomson's Wireless VoIP Residential Gateway

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Packet8 offers VoIP Internet Phone Service and Voice Over IP Telephony phone system.
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VoIP Providers - VoIP Services - Broadband Phone Company Providers - VoIP Review is committed to bring to you the best broadband phone company providers.
SunRocket Internet Phone Service
Sign Up with SunRocket Internet Phone Service today. SunRocket Referral Program - Get free gifts when your friends signup for VoIP service.
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Packet 8 VoIP Internet Phone Service. The cost savings offered by VoIP can be enormous. VoIP Phone Service Feature Comparison Chart
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SunRocket Internet Phone Service
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Packet 8 - VoIP Phone Service
Packet 8 VoIP Internet Phone Service. The cost savings offered by VoIP can be enormous. VoIP Phone Service Feature Comparison Chart
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VoIP phone service can give you lower cost 'basic' service, and can save you VoicePulse provide another variation on the VoIP phone service concept,
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Can I Take My Phone Adapter with me When I Travel? You may be able to use your VoIP service wherever you travel as long as you have a high speed Internet
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911 is a joke for VoIP customers. By Ben Smith - Slate Magazine
Vonage is the leading American provider of Internet telephone service (also known as Voice Over Internet Protocol, or VoIP). The base of my phone,

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