Dear Editor,
Road system has come a long way. Our town, by now, is a big amusement park, instead of giving fines it would be enough to make people pay an entrance ticket. Attractions do not lack: ring road like a roller coaster, light motorcycles parking lots, every Thursday without cars, blue lines, exchanger parking areas, Happy Bus and Ready Bus, "Parma as a building yard", rotatory areas. Sparkling of lights and party atmosphere are everywhere. Rotatories make just turning cars, and not only those things, especially in the morning. My favorite merry-go-round, anyway, is the double way road which, all of a sudden, turns into a one way road. A true Pindaric flight of imagination, a good one way road until midway and then it by magic overturns itself. So adventurous to be a praise to head-on collision: this is the best with fog. And to think one way roads were meant to increase our safety; really a good job. In the second place, as favored attraction, I put: killing-pedestrian cycle paths: those on pavements, those that save cyclists from cars, and exterminate pedestrians, who are waiting for the bus. It isn't easy at all to hit them: they move. In the third place: The Daedalus (The Labyrint). In the past, a little bit of traffic dispersed inside central districts, but now, there is The Labyrint of secondary roads: a tangle of one way roads, where you know how to go in without knowing how to come out (UE law). All the people lined up, going to the same destination, like children on a little train, which goes along the roads local authorities have been studying with the PC to better road system. "Happy" cars , then go along the main streets of town . Policies adopted are not contradictory. First the pollution decreases because every Thursday it is not allowed to go by car, and increases: because before reaching home you have to go along the panoramic district. Traffic light elimination was meant to improve road system. By eliminating traffic lights road system has been improving, while it worsens because of a labyrint of one way roads , from which it is possible to come out only with a good satellite navigation system. We could give the amusement park the name of "PARMALAND" and compete with Mirabilandia. When I see, in parking lots, the only parking area not busy was that reserved to disables, I confess that I considered the option to include small children into disabled category, this would mean we are making a true pro-family policy. The park is on the site and, to attract tourists, it is only necessary to change slogan from "Parma as a city of Art, into "Parma as a city of art and amusement".