technique: enamel
size: cm 50 x 70
completion date: 19/10/1998
review: enamel painted with the help of plastic bottles, with a game of white-green chiaroscuros. Sinuous eyelashes sweetly wave, caressed by an invisible fluid wake. The tridimensional effect is pleasantly suggested by the clear abstract perspective (Perspectives). Green propagations disperse beyond the pictorial board, to every directiones. The imaginary abstract universe is evidently depicted through the view of a microreality almost tangible. On it the painter attracts attention, to show its beauty. "The search of beauty", a theme that is in the manifesto of the author, forcefully emerges. The title, Microcosmos, suggests a possible interpretation about the "very little". The opera, according to this point of view, calls to mind pictures of cellular organisms of an electronic microscope. The message, hold in the painting, reveals itself also with the simplicty of the employment of two colors. The abstract world, as real one, shows its beauty in universal like in particular.

by Etienne Pascal