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    The Long Case for Pacer International SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance
    Cheap Stock Hunter submits: Having recently finished reading the book The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman, I have found myself searching how to apply the globalization paradigm to my portfolio management process and how to incorporate these trends into a more thoughtful view of the investment landscape.
    Fed Focuses on Right Target -- Core Inflation: John M. Berry Bloomberg.com
    Oct. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve officials focus primarily on core inflation in setting monetary policy rather than so-called headline inflation, and despite pointed criticism from some analysts and European central bankers, that's exactly what they should be doing.
    Will Democrats muff their golden chance? St. Petersburg Times
    Most polls suggest the Republicans may be headed for a good thrashing in the November elections because of the mess they've made at home and abroad. Of course, Democrats have been known to blow golden political opportunities before and they could do so again this year.
    How to Solve the Problems of Globalization Ohmynews
    Stiglitz acknowledges that globalization is currently not working. That countries and regions of the world are becoming poorer, rather than benefiting from the removal of regulations and the lowering of corporate
    UP VP: Cha-cha not needed; changes already in place INQ7.net
    BAGUIO CITY—A legal expert of the University of the Philippines said Charter change might no longer be necessary because recent court decisions have already introduced the economic policies the government wants embodied in a new Constitution.
    White House Urged to Release Full Intel Report NPR
    Over the weekend, several newspapers published portions of the National Intelligence Estimate that suggested the war in Iraq has fueled terrorism in the Muslim world. President Bush responded by declassifying parts of the once-secret document, saying that when taken in context, it supports U.S. policy in Iraq.
    Text of portions of terrorism report Duluth News Tribune
    WASHINGTON - Following are the portions of the National Intelligence Estimate dealing with the key judgments, dated April 2006, that were released Tuesday by the Bush administration.
    White House Releases Portion of Security Report NPR
    A much-debated U.S. intelligence report states that Iraq has become a "cause celebre" for Islamic extremists, and that the war there has bred a deep resentment of the United States. The White House made declassified the report's conclusion Tuesday.
    Blair Bids Fellow Laborites Farewell Los Angeles Times
    In his final speech as party chief, the British prime minister thanks delegates for the 'privilege of leading you' and touts his record.
    'The Iraq Jihad Is Shaping a New Generation of Terrorist Leaders' Los Angeles Times
    United States-led counter-terrorism efforts have seriously damaged the leadership of Al Qaeda and disrupted its operations; however, we judge that Al Qaeda will continue to pose the greatest threat to the homeland and U.S. interests abroad by a single terrorist organization.

    Working Paper 02-5: Assessing Globalization's Critics: "Talkers
    Until recently, globalization’s critics likely would have sympathized with Some of today’s globalization critics still have at heart the welfare of the
    Foreign Affairs - A False Alarm: Overcoming Globalization's
    He concedes a few points to globalization's critics but, wielding logic and fact, demolishes most of the allegations made against it.
    Monthly Review January 2002 John Bellamy Foster
    Globalization—the spread of the self-regulating market to every niche and even specific corporations like McDonalds—for criticism, while deemphasizing
    Anti-globalization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Some critics have claimed there is strong anti-Americanism in the anti-globalization movement. They argue that protesters object to people voluntarily
    The New York Review of Books: Globalization: Stiglitz's Case
    An article by Benjamin M. Friedman from The New York Review of Books, August 15, 2002.

    Monthly Review January 2002 John Bellamy Foster
    Globalization—the spread of the self-regulating market to every niche and even specific corporations like McDonalds—for criticism, while deemphasizing
    Anti-globalization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Some critics have claimed there is strong anti-Americanism in the anti-globalization movement. They argue that protesters object to people voluntarily
    Robin Hahnel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Corporate-sponsored globalization, criticism and activism. As the nineties wore on, Hahnel became increasingly immersed in analysis of corporate-sponsored
    The New York Review of Books: Globalization: Stiglitz's Case
    An article by Benjamin M. Friedman from The New York Review of Books, August 15, 2002.
    AICA : Art, Criticism and Globalization
    “Art, Criticism and Globalization” wants to reflect over this field of practices and knowledge that involve questions about art production and communication
    Foreign Affairs - The Globalization Wars: An Economist Reports
    Globalization and Its Discontents. Joseph Stiglitz. New York: WW Norton, 2002, The institution's critics, including Stiglitz, question whether programs
    The Miracles of Globalization – A Review of Why Globalization
    Wolf is correct, therefore, in asserting that the empirical evidence refutes the claim made by critics of globalization that trade openness wreaks havoc on
    Resling - English Page
    Anti-Globalization − Criticism of Late Capitalism. Alain Vanier | Lacan. Michel Foucault | Hetrotopia. Jacques Derrida | Des tours de Babel
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