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NEW SITE! GO HERE! evaristo.blogspot.com

old stuff:

Hello there. uh, no, wait.
Hello there! Ok, that's better. I actually like this font, but must nonetheless find a better one one of these days.
Anyway, yes, i've updated. And don't start complaining about me not updating for so long, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, EACH PERSON WHO READS THIS SITE HAS MY PHONE NUMBER! IF YOU WANTED TO HEAR FROM ME YOU COULD'VE JUST PICKED UP THE PHONE AND CALLED ME!!! There, now that got rid of Webmaster Guilt for good. Where were we? Well, it's 2003 now, it's also january, a borrowed jethro tull cd in the D: drive, drizzle outside, no more snow.
Yeah, snow. Snow was cool. When i got back to duino, on the 7th or 8th of january, it was not only snowing. it was *frozen*. The streets were frozen, the cars were frozen, the trees were frozen...it was just...so...cool!
We carried on having snow for a couple of days, and after that the ice took over a week to melt completely. Wish it had never gone, i love snow. I love hopping around on it, i love leaving backwards footsteps, i love leaving fake handstand-prints, i love making fake one-foot-giant footsteps.
And i hate it when it melts, and i hate it when the drizzly-but-not-snowy days come, and i hate it when the sun starts to rear its shy, albeit ugly, head and  makes the flowers grow with the sole purpose of making me sneeze with the pollen, and i hate it when the pollen's over, and the days are longer, and you stay out at night and drink sangria and rhum, and it's nice and warm but not too much so it's still pleasant.
But what i *really* hate is the summer. (except for the Rototom Sunsplash. Now that's cool.)
Anyway, i came back, after a couple of days my pc came back too (the motherboard went ka-blooey), after another couple days my cousin Leo came from Arica to visit, she's still here, even though at the moment she's eating at mensa (my parent's subtle punishment for coming home late yesterday), and after another couple of days, uh, well, i'm writing this update. But my stereo, which also went ka-blooey, is still broken, and the other day i found out that the small one i had taken as a temporary substitute only gives me the right speaker's sound, as a consequence of which i got the flu, due to lack of stereophony.

Saw Luttazzi's new show last week. Actually, only partly new: half of it was the reinterpretation of his very first show, Adenoidi, and it was wonderful to be able to see it...i was too young at the time, but i know the whole thing by heart - i could've lip-synched the man easily. When, as usual, we met him after the show(sorry, no pics) he was kind, funny, extremely sincere as is his wont. Among other things, he told us that his official site is being updated to become a *real* site, so keep your eyes open.

Ok, before some other disaster happens i'd better upload all this and get back to the serious stuff: downloading tex avery cartoons.

Cheers to all, and remember: four roses bourbon is the best throat medicine.
(almost forgot! i have a new regular at the bar: warm milk & rhum-it's tasty, sweet, and most of all, cheap! Try it, especially in those cold january evenings!)

-R.22.01.03 duino

Vetero-update:this was typed on the 25th of november, 2002. Hey, almost a year ago! The lack of upload was due to power failure. No kidding.

UPDATE! at last!!!

In the past month or two, people have started to tell me stuff like "oh, and i saw your website the other day..." which would usually remind me of how little(ok, not at all) i've updated recently...
This obviously contradicts the counter at the bottom of this page, according to which i've inly had a handful of visitors since june...well, that depends on how these counters work, they count visitors according to their IP, so if you visit twice from the same IP you only count as one visitor, etc etc. Some other counters don't work like this of course, so i plan to ditch this one and find the kind that shows you MILLIONS. also miscounting, of course.

What i've been up to? Whew. well...quite a lot and not much, as usual. i think the most important thing in the past month or so is that i finally had time to sit(lie) down on my bed and actually read a book from beginning to end without having more-important-things-to-do lingering at the back of my mind. This hadn't happened in, uh, far too many years for me to declare without sounding unbelievably old to myself.

Beside that, i gave a couple of exams, bought a couple of cds(i don't remember whether this is true or not, but knowing myself, in the past couple months i can't not have bought at least two cds), had some friends visit, some unexpected(ciao pavel!), some not as much but equally pleasant, ate, drank, went&came back from sicily a couple times, started downloading tex avery cartoons on winmx, finished downloading Caetano's elusive 1970 london album, and, uh, enjoyed myself, i suppose.

And winamp just shocked me by playing the Love Boat theme. Didn't remember downloading that.

What else is new? Things in duino got fucked up last week(luckily, i was away). I still don't feel free to write about these things here, so anyone wanting to now more about this get off your ass and write me an email.

Ok, i'll try to start updating more actively these days.I was also hoping to spiff some things up on the site, but i probably won't get around to doing that for a while. I'll probably just upload some more pictures meanwhile. Oh, and the "stuff" link up there will keep giving you a 404 at least until i remember what i originally needed a "stuff" page for.

That's all,
cheers to all,
may little or no moths fly into your sangria,

-R. 25.11.2002 23:04 pm. sober.

(file saved while winamp was playing: Joao Gilberto - Caminhos Crusados.mp3)