The dialect poetry (I would say the poetry generally) it doesn't go over the exasperating melancholy of the lost past, a very weakening thing. If it is not an amateurish exercise, it is usually ended in the prosaic and professionalism. Lamentation and sterility. Mirror of the times!... It would need to stop it then with the poetry! Let's complain us and enough!...

Sassi is not for instance neither a amateur neither a professional. He is a dialect poet. As Oberdan Stingone could be it, even if I think that he has written only in Italian courtly, literary, style Dantesque...

Siamo sempre stati vittime d'una poesia che innanzitutto si è sempre beotamente illusa d'essere nel discorso autoriale che tramava. Come se si potesse essere autori di qualcosa! Come se (siamo o no quel che ci manca?) fosse scontato che l'essere parlante sia nel discorso in fieri e non s-parlato dal discorso stesso. Qualunque fare dovrebbe essere un fare altro da ciò che facciamo, (anche volendolo nessuno è autore di niente). L'esito non coincide con l'intento come l'effetto non è mai la causa... 

[We have always been victims of a poetry that first of all it is always deceived foolishly to be in the authorial discourse that it plotted. As if  we could be authors of something! As if (we are or not we are all that we lack to us?) it was obvious that the speaking being is in the discourse in fieri and not spoken away by the same discourse. Whatever to do should be a to do other from what we do, (also wanting it anybody is author of nothing). The result doesn't coincide with the intent as the effect it is never the cause...]

by the auto-interview done to Café Letterario
Rome May 16 th 2000
Carmelo Bene