+ all these editions of you +

+ part one +
[ Sam/Gene, slash, 16,504 words, Adult ]
“You don’t care,” he says then, almost too low to be heard. “I’ll disappear and you don’t care.”

+ part two +
[ Sam/Gene, slash, 18,827 words, Adult ]
“Who the hell is Sam Williams and what’s he doin’ here?”

+ part three +
[ Sam/Annie, het, Sam/Gene, hinted slash, 15,709 words, Adult ]
“Annie!” he calls again, and she turns. “Tell him DI Sam Williams wants to speak with him.”

death!fic. Sorta. AU from around 2x03, but it contains spoilers for the ending.
Betaed by [info]m31andy who's also suggested some lovely lines, THANK YOU.