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This show's for the dogs The Morning Call
Burnese Mountain owners vie for top honors as New Jersey club hosts event at NCC. When Lynette Vann runs her fingers through Bow's thick black hair, he looks deeply into her eyes. Then he might try to lick her face.
Pet Tales chat, Oct. 5, 2006 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
ShouldBworking: I have a 17-month-old Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. From reading, I understand that as this breed is a drafting dog, we can start to train him for drafting at 24 months.
Puppy love The State
The Hanson family went to the pet store to buy a goldfish. Several hours later, they went home with a 63-pound dog named Dusty. Todd and Amy Hanson of Lexington knew they wanted a family pet to share with their two children, who are 6 and 3. But for them, happiness was not a cuddly puppy.
Special medical care goes to the dogs, cats Lexington Herald-Leader
If ever there was a testament to how the status of dogs and cats has climbed in recent years, it is Red Bank Veterinary Hospital. Red Bank, which bills itself as the country's largest private veterinary hospital, encompasses 58,000 square feet in an office park in Tinton Falls, N.J. -- about the area of a football field, including the end zones. Its circular waiting room, adorned in the center by
Volatile values for old volumes Worcester Telegram & Gazette
Got any old books on computers or space travel?

Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Canada
click on leaf to enter. This site is best viewed at 800 x 600 screen resolution. Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004 BMDCC All Rights Reserved
Bernese Mountain Dog Information, Berner, Berners
Bernese Mountain Dog, Dog Breed Information Center®, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Berner, Berners.
Bernese Mountain Dog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Bernese Mountain Dog. Alternative names. Berner Sennenhund The Bernese Mountain Dog (also called Berner Sennenhund or Bouvier Bernois) is a versatile
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Southeastern Wisconsin
A website to provide educational resources for buyers, owners, breeders, and AKC events exhibitors of Bernese Mountain Dogs.
Welcome to the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Northern California
The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Northern California is dedicated to preservation of the working heritage of our breed. The Club sponsors education and

Bernese Mountain Dog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Bernese Mountain Dog. Alternative names. Berner Sennenhund The Bernese Mountain Dog (also called Berner Sennenhund or Bouvier Bernois) is a versatile
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Southeastern Wisconsin
A website to provide educational resources for buyers, owners, breeders, and AKC events exhibitors of Bernese Mountain Dogs.
Welcome to the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Northern California
The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Northern California is dedicated to preservation of the working heritage of our breed. The Club sponsors education and
The Source for New England BMD puppies - Bernese Mountain Dog Club
Welcome to the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley; before you buy a Berner puppy for sale, visit to learn more about Berners in New England.
Dog Owner's Guide profile: Bernese Mountain Dog
While it is still rare to see a Bernese Mountain Dog on the streets of US The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America keeps close watch on breed health and
The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Greater Twin Cities Website
The site operated by The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Greater Twin Cities, offering breeder referral, five-state event calendar, and unique items.
Potomac Valley Bernese Mountain Dog Club
Club objectives, calendar of events, message board, photos and breed information.
Sierra West Bernese Mountain Dog Club
Sierra West Bernese Mountain Dog Club is dedicated to preserving the breed and its working heritage through education, mentoring and showmanship,

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