Article on color separation technique used now online
The technical article mentioned in the last post is now online - and open for comments on our heretic approach to metering, amongst others
Einstein's tea leaves inspire new blood separation technique
Scientists at Monash University in Australia have developed a process for rapidly and efficiently separating blood plasma at the microscopic level without any moving parts, potentially allowing doctors to do blood tests without sending
Lowered Expectations
After her performance was completed, the Idol judges as a whole performed the “Dirty Sanchez” technique upon “KiKi” the artist formerly known as Lakisha Jones. The judges have been pimping “KiKi” all the way to the finals.
Movie Review: Jacques Rivette's L'Amour fou - Mr. and Mrs. Natural
Thus, the movie is not "about" the confusion between art and life, but shows the separation of the two by dramatizing the confusion of a man of the theater who doesn't grasp its significance. Rivette depicts at length the collapse of a
Observation 4: Color Separation
This is something I learned from Barry John Raybould when painting landscapes, and Jim Smyth taught this technique when painting the figure as well, in which we’d paint tiny (2″ square) color spots to represent the figure in light and
Movie Review: Jacques Rivette's L'Amour fou - Mr. and Mrs. Natural
The problem for Sébastien, by contrast, is that he doesn't have a technique to realize his ambition. Thus, he ends up drilling the cast endlessly and aimlessly, trusting that what he's after will emerge, although he can't quite specify
Bingo! - the first color separation results are in
Some people might say that the technique of color separation is completely antiquated now that color film, digital cameras and photoshop are widely used. However, the reason we want to pursue this technique is precisely because we
Einstein's “Tea Leaf Paradox” inspires unique Blood Separation
Australian Scientists at Monash University have developed a new technique for rapidly and proficiently separating blood plasma at the microscopic level without any moving parts thereby enabling the doctors to do blood tests without the
The window.onload problem revisited
The bottom script technique works cross browser based on de facto standard browser behavior but has a compromise in separation of concerns. Must remember to put the JavaScript element at the bottom of each page.
A quick glimpse at electrophoresis tells us that this is a separation technique based on the electrical charge, shape and molecular weight of particulates such as DNA, proteins and RNA (3). In DGGE, DNA, which is negatively charged,

BioCIS - Axe : Mise au point de nouvelles techniques de séparation
Parmi les nouvelles techniques de séparation, l’utilisation de la chromatographie de partage centrifuge (CPC) s’est révélée tout à fait prometteuse dans des
Diversité des techniques de séparation du sagou de son support
Christian Coiffier, « Diversité des techniques de séparation du sagou de son support, dans la province du Sépik-est (Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée) »
L'IFP et les Techniques de séparation - Des ferts de
Séparation réactive. A + B. A. C. Technique. de. séparation Département techniques de séparation. • Adsorption. • Thermogravimétrie. atmosphérique avec
of some of the separation techniques available to the analyst. It is difficult to overemphasize the importance of separations in analytical chemistry but
AAP 1996 : Procédés de séparation membranaire
Elles concernent surtout l'électrodésionisation, la perméation et la nanofiltration qui sont des procédés nouveaux parmi les techniques de séparation
ULTRAFILTRATION définiton de ULTRAFILTRATION : Technique de séparation non dénaturante des macromolécules en suspension dans un liquide.
FUSAGx - Programme des études
Sommaire :, - Technologie de séparation sur membranes électrodialyse ultrafiltration microfiltration osmose inverse - Techniques chromatographiques
IFP : accompagnement et aide aux entreprises PME PMI
Sciences de la terre, techniques géophysiques, mécanique des sols, mécanique des techniques de séparation, catalyseurs industriels et d'épuration,
Compte rendu de la réunion "Analyse et interprétation de signaux
Buvat, Irène (2003) Compte rendu de la réunion "Analyse et interprétation de signaux physiologiques par des techniques de séparation de sources ".
Chaîne Webmaster - Flash - Morphing complexes
Technique de séparation des formes Un des principaux trucs à retenir pour créer un morphing complexe, c'est de créer des couches différentes pour séparer technique+de+separation: | | technique+de+separation