Part and parcel of the settlements
In the Palestinian perception the separation wall is, at least where it veers into occupied territory, a part of the overall settlement project. If there were no settlements, the wall could have been built on the green line and cause no
The Connected Parent: Tantrums for Two
A crowded prenatal environment, a difficult birth, early separation because of medical issues, or other common occurrences with twins that no one considers out of the ordinary, might be quite hard on a vulnerable infant.
Sibel Edmonds: Help me put Perle and Feith in jail
And they didn't want that to take place, so there was this great separation between the agents and the language specialists - and that itself brought a lot of problems with it - because you had these bureaucratic layers in the middle
Should Marriage Be Subsidized?--Posner's Comment
in a household with two parents, but this point argues not for subsidizing marriages, many of which are childless (or the children are grown), as Becker notes, but for penalizing divorce or (if the parents are unmarried) separation
Should Marriage be Subsidized? Becker
Arguments based on the external effects of parental divorce and other separation decisions on children are often not applicable because the vast majority of parents do love their children. These parents take account of their children's
The Global Oneness Project
separation between these two things. You don't have to meditate off somewhere by yourself, go on retreat or remove yourself from the presence of others. You can do it while you are in life, while you are a schoolteacher or a parent.
Trading Small Risk for Severe Harm: Why Criminalizing Parental
In contrast, putting a child's parent behind bars for a month causes severe and definite harm to a child. There is nothing more harmful to a child than forced separation from a parent. We're not talking about an increased risk of an
Israel Examines Moving Separation Barrier
JERUSALEM (AP) - Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office on Wednesday said the government is looking into moving a stretch of its separation barrier deeper into the West Bank to include two Jewish settlements
Israel's prime minister has approved the moving of the separation
Today Ha'aretz reports that the Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, has now approved the moving of the separation barrier at least 5km eastward from the Green Line in the area of Modi'in Ilit, in order to take in the settlements of
Seperation anxiety in children
Around the first birthday, it is common for kids to develop separation anxiety, getting upset when a parent tries to leave them with someone else. Separation anxiety occurs when a child is fearful of being left with someone else.

Les soins de nos enfants - Comment aider les enfants à affronter
Comment aider les enfants à affronter la séparation de leurs parents. Au moment de la séparation. Rassurez votre enfant en lui disant que vous et son autre
PSYCHASOC :: Forum :: La séparation parent/enfant
Re: La séparation parent/enfant. Envoyé par: florence Plon (Adresse IP journalisée) Il n'y a pas plus horrible que la séparation parent/enfant.
La promotion de la santé mentale pour les enfants de parents qui
Les comportements parentaux énumérés ci-dessous font courir aux enfants des risques d’effets nuisibles reliés à la séparation. Les parents qui affichent ces
Separation Anxiety
Around the first birthday, it is common for kids to develop separation anxiety, getting upset when a parent tries to leave them with someone else.
Egalité parentale, séparation,divorce Justice Papa Union Nationale
Association nationale pour la défense de l'égalité parentale et la résidence alternée en cas de divorce ou de séparation des parents.
Separation ; Parent ; Divorce ; Selection criterion ; Principal residence Séparation ; Parent ; Divorce ; Critère sélection ; Résidence principale
Adolescent ; ; Separation ; Parent ; Self image ; Personality development Adolescent ; e ; Séparation ; Parent ; Image soi ; Développement : la séparation des parents : sujet de la discussion la séparation des parents.
Factsheet 14. Divorce and separation
Divorce or separation of parents: the impact on children and adolescents - Mental Health and Growing Up.
Séparation des parents - Tête à modeler
L'objectif de cette étude n'est pas de polémiquer sur la séparation et le divorce, non l'objectif est de faire le point des principales difficultés qui separation+parent: | | | | separation+parent