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Gadget fetish Sydney Morning Herald
From the sublime to the ridiculous, Roulla Yiacoumi looks at gadgets that are so innovative, they're just, well, wacky. -

'Sublime Anomalies": Women Religious and Roman Catholic Hospitals
More commonly, New York sisters interpreted the general direc- [the sisters] present a sublime anomaly in the history of the world,
“sublime” shifted radically from a rhetorical to an aesthetic, psychological the spectacle of the ravine of Gondo defines a non-dimensional, non-direc-
Cinema of the Sublime: Theorizing the Ineffable
thetic generally, but the sublime more particularly, I shall argue, provides ing, the importation of props onto locations, and the naming of the direc-
David A. Zimmerman Frank Norris, Market Panic, and the Mesmeric
Norris sketched the constituent features of the mesmeric sublime in. ‘‘Inside an Organ’’ (1897), CF MacIntyre [New York: New Direc-. tions, 1957], 9).
Awe or Envy: Herder contra Kant on the Sublime
experience of the sublime that might make one. tend in Kantian (or at least anti-Burkean) direc-. tions. Burke’s account of the sublime seems

Cinema of the Sublime: Theorizing the Ineffable
thetic generally, but the sublime more particularly, I shall argue, provides ing, the importation of props onto locations, and the naming of the direc-
David A. Zimmerman Frank Norris, Market Panic, and the Mesmeric
Norris sketched the constituent features of the mesmeric sublime in. ‘‘Inside an Organ’’ (1897), CF MacIntyre [New York: New Direc-. tions, 1957], 9).
Awe or Envy: Herder contra Kant on the Sublime
experience of the sublime that might make one. tend in Kantian (or at least anti-Burkean) direc-. tions. Burke’s account of the sublime seems
JSTOR: Yeats: Tragic Joy and the Sublime
Theories of the sublime can help us interpret the family resemblances among energy flows in one direc- tion, from Other into self, the sublime poet also
JSTOR: Sublime Moments and Social Authority in Robinson Crusoe and
Yet the sublime is more than just a taste for cataclysmic events; moves in the opposite direc- tion: Crusoe feels "as if [he] had seen an Apparition").
mpe's bookmarks tagged with "Sublime" on del.icio.us
"Raleigh Soliloquy Pt. II is part of three spoken word tracks by Raleigh Theodore Sakers to show up on Sublime's Robbin' the Hood release.
mpe's bookmarks tagged with "direc-tor" on del.icio.us
del.icio.us direc.tor: Delivering A High-Performance AJAX Web Service Broker :: Johnvey · save this. to direc-tor dhtml web tools JavaScript del-icio-us XML
THE ABSTRACT SUBLIME: Life as Information Waiting to be Rewritten
sublime. And it uses that appeal to beguile us with a vision of a system itself—provided that it is given the proper direc-

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