, Mon, 09 Jul 2007 20:36:57 GMT --> deluxe check printer
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St. Paul Travelers denies Zurich merger reports Pioneer Press
St. Paul Travelers Cos., the second-largest commercial insurer in the U.S., denied a newspaper report that the St. Paul-based company is in merger discussions with Zurich Financial Services AG of Switzerland. The Swiss newspaper Cash reported Thursday St. Paul Travelers is in talks to buy Zurich Financial and may announce a deal in November. The paper cited an unidentified person responsible for
Deluxe to Add 80-100 Jobs at Its Greensboro Call Center Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
ST. PAUL, Minn.----Sept. 8, 2006--Deluxe Financial Services announced today that it plans to add as many as 100 inbound call center positions at its Greensboro call center in the Stonesthrow Crossing Shopping Center.
Deluxe to Add 80-100 Jobs at Its Phoenix Call Center Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
ST. PAUL, Minn.----Sept. 8, 2006--Deluxe Financial Services announced today that it plans to add as many as 100 inbound customer service positions at its Phoenix call center near I-10 and University Drive.
Report: Best Buy teaming up with U.K. cell service Pioneer Press
A report in London's Sunday Times said that Richfield-based electronics retailer Best Buy may be teaming up with Carphone Warehouse Group PLC, a London-based retailer of mobile phones and services, in a 50/50 joint venture. Credit Suisse analyst Gary Balter wrote in a note to investors that the venture would create a computer service similar to Best Buy's Geek Squad division and potentially
Mesaba's choice: Impose pay cuts or stop flying Pioneer Press
Eagan-based Mesaba Airlines is losing $1 million per week and soon will have to choose between imposing pay cuts or shutting down unless its unions agree to concessions, the airline's president said in an employee newsletter. The Eagan-based feeder for Northwest Airlines, which is operating under bankruptcy protection, already has permission from a bankruptcy judge to impose new terms on pilots,

Deluxe Check Resource Center - Preventing Identity Theft
Deluxe knows about checks - we've been in business since 1915. Use a reputable check printer like Deluxe, that has built-in check security.
Manual Checks - Deluxe Business Checks and Solutions
Deluxe has the manual business checks you need! Because we're the world's leading check printer, you'll find the largest selection of business checks in the
Accounting Software 411 - Deluxe Check Printers Software Profile
Deluxe is the Nation's leading check printer, that means check experts who deliver exactly what you and your clients need. Your clients trust you.
Deluxe agrees to acquire NEBS; $800 million deal will give check
'Deluxe agrees to acquire NEBS; $800 million deal will give check printer bigger share of small-business market from B to B in Business & Finance provided
Consumer and business to business marketing case study
While commendable, Deluxe's focus on becoming the world's best check printer could not prevent growing consumer preference for electronic payment options.

Accounting Software 411 - Deluxe Check Printers Software Profile
Deluxe is the Nation's leading check printer, that means check experts who deliver exactly what you and your clients need. Your clients trust you.
Deluxe agrees to acquire NEBS; $800 million deal will give check
'Deluxe agrees to acquire NEBS; $800 million deal will give check printer bigger share of small-business market from B to B in Business & Finance provided
Consumer and business to business marketing case study
While commendable, Deluxe's focus on becoming the world's best check printer could not prevent growing consumer preference for electronic payment options.
Time to Check Out Deluxe and JH Harland - SeekingAlpha
As for the number one check-printer, it needs to try harder. For the second quarter of 2006, Deluxe Corp. (DLX) posted a second-quarter loss of $2 million
Order Deluxe Checks and Forms Online
Take 20% off* your first order from Deluxe. Deluxe, the nation’s leading check printer, has checks and forms guaranteed to work with 99% of today’s
Smart Computing Article - Quicken Deluxe 5.0
Smart Computing Article - Quicken Deluxe 5.0. In the pop-up menu that appears, click the Check Printer Setup command. In the ensuing window,
Smart Computing Article - Quicken 2002 Deluxe
Smart Computing Article - Quicken 2002 Deluxe. In the Check Printer Setup window, make sure all the information is correct for your type of checks.
Buyback by Check Printer - New York Times
The Deluxe Corporation, the largest printer of checks in the United States, said today it would buy back as much as 20 percent of its outstanding shares and

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  • deluxe
  • check
  • printer

    , Mon, 09 Jul 2007 20:36:57 GMT -->