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Milan models to get catwalk code BBC News
Milan is to have a code of conduct to protect young models vulnerable to anorexia and exploitation.
Cricket-Inzamam leaves for ICC code of conduct hearing Cricmania
KARACHI (AFP) - Pakistan cricket captain Inzamam-ul-Haq left for London to appear before an International Cricket Council code of conduct hearing at which he faces a possible ban.
Growth takes toll on area code Calgary Sun
Calgary residents could soon be forced to dial 10 digits to make a local call because rapid population growth is set to exhaust the current area code within three years.
Schools to stick with dress code The Natchez Democrat
NATCHEZ — The Natchez-Adams School board has reviewed its dress code policy, and it’s not changing. The board promised students and parents in February that they’d reexamine rules banning non-uniform coats after nearly 40 Natchez High students were suspended for violations.
Tom Hanson: Code enforcers look out for renter's safety Bonita Daily News
Frank Cassidy normally wears a navy blue city of Bonita Springs code-enforcement polo shirt. The color is easily mistaken for black. And by wearing the shirt, Cassidy is easily mistaken for a bad guy.
Dress code incomplete without way to comply Provo Daily Herald
Lehi High School recently established a dress code which will be enforced not only at its school, but also at school-sponsored dances. For students here, spaghetti straps and halter tops, among other clothing styles, are a thing of the past.
School crafts code of conduct East Valley Tribune
Cave Creek's high school is encouraging athletes to think twice about their actions off the field with a school-wide athletic code of conduct enacted this year.
3-D Newtonian hydrodynamics code applied on newly born neutron star reveals the charactestics of chilled universe below India Daily
3-D Newtonian hydrodynamics code applied on newly born neutron star reveals the charactestics of chilled universe below the Hyperspace - the gravitational radiation.
School crafts code of conduct East Valley Tribune
Cave Creek's high school is encouraging athletes to think twice about their actions off the field with a schoolwide athletic code of conduct enacted this year.
Code official prevails in Winter Garden Orlando Sentinel
Charlie Mae Wilder replaces the late Mildred Dixon as District 3 commissioner. Charlie Mae Wilder's civic involvement helped her edge out four other candidates to succeed deceased District 3 Commissioner Mildred Dixon.

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Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace
CODE AND OTHER LAWS OF CYBERSPACE: How Will the Architecture of Cyberspace Change the Constitution? by Lawrence Lessig.
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    , Mon, 09 Jul 2007 20:43:53 GMT -->