Minnesota Parent Magazine
"Your child or grandchild doesn't have to be a history buff to enjoy this wonderful array of stories celebrating America's history."
Yes, You Are the Person of the Year! : FRANK RICH - Fleeing Reality
The magazine’s cover stunt, a computer screen of Mylar reflecting the reader’s The magazine’s disingenuous rationale for bestowing its yearly honor on its readers was like a big wet kiss from a distant relative who creeps you out.
Babble: "a magazine and community for the new urba
Babble: "a magazine and community for the new urban parent". This new urban parent wants rss feeds, but otherwise nice portal
Parent Hacks admin: Oh, Canada! Parent Hacks appears in Glow Magazine
Parenthacker Kelly (who wrote up this review of "Ablum" by Duplex) was kind enough to send me her copy of Glow Magazine ("Canada's Definitive Guide to Beauty and Health") because in it was a blurb about Parent Hacks written by none
Parent Hacks admin: Welcome Parents Magazine readers!
I just found out from my buddy Amy at Mommytrack'd that Parent Hacks is mentioned in the January issue of Parents as a "site to bookmark. If you ever see or hear Parent Hacks mentioned in the offline press, please let me knowmy
Angelina Jolie Not a Part-Time Parent
Angelina seems to want to leave the acting scene soon to be a full time mom
Parent Hacks admin: Welcome Parents Magazine readers!
I just found out from my buddy Amy at Mommytrack'd that Parent Hacks is mentioned in the January issue of Parents as a "site to bookmark." I had no idea, and I'm so grateful when people point these sorts of more[] ---- link
Time Magazine Person of the Year
Time Magazine has named anyone who is using the web or creating content on the web as their "Person of the Year". So what better Time to announce the availability of Parentopia Gear, something new we have created on the web.
Jonathan Rintels: YOU - Person of This Year, But Next Year's Toast?
And, of course, one delicious irony in all this is that Time Magazine's parent company owns Time Warner Cable, one of the key opponents of Net Neutrality, confirming the adage that bedfellows make strange politics.
Parent Trap
“I am certain that parental alienation—by which one parent poisons a child against the other—is a real and painful problem,” writes individualist feminist Wendy McElroy on the History News Network website.

Parent Soup
From trying to conceive through your child's teen years, iVillage Pregnancy & Parenting offers up-to-date and informative articles, features,
Exceptional Parent Magazine
Providing information, support, ideas, encouragement and outreach for parents and families of children with disabilities, and the professionals who work with them
Offers tools for parents and parents-to-be, free personalized newsletters, one-on-one expert advice for every age and stage, and more from the editors of Parents Magazine
Gay Parent magazine
Resource for lesbians and men who are, and wish to be parents. Adoption, donor insemination, foster and surrogate parenting, and more are covered
Atlanta Parent Online Magazine - December 2006
Atlanta Parent Magazine, the best resource for Atlanta families. Throughout the year, Atlanta Parent Magazine provides resource guides on private
:::: Metro Parent ::::
PLUS: Health | Education | Child Development | Pregnancy | Infants | Munchkin Media | Web Extras
Today's Parent
Canadian parenting resources, interactive parent to parent communication, free resources, and more
iowaParent Magazine
Iowa Parent magazine is a monthly niche publication dedicated to informing, Iowa Parent is published the next to last Thursday of each month and is
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