Canvas: New Long Island Magazine RedNova
By Claude Solnick It might sound like a new artists' colony tucked between SoHo and Tribeca, but LOHAS is actually a little closer to home for many Long Islanders, and close to their hearts.
Unreality Honolulu Advertiser
Geoffrey Chadsey is a man in his mid-30s who gets weird looks from supermarket checkers for buying Tiger Beat magazine. He cruises Internet chat-rooms searching for pictures and images of young men in various stages of revelry and undress. No, he's not a congressman. He's an artist, and his interest in the puerile is not what you think.
MOVIES Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Looking back over the past year in movies, a gratifying trend emerges: In 2006, filmmakers seemed eager to take a closer look at the world around them and deliver movies that speak directly to our modern problems and anxieties. The year's best films are two works (United 93 and The Queen) that try to make sense of recent historical events (and offer few easy answers). But there were also fine
Doubled Over Aspen Daily News
Some say that rap music is like poetry for the ears. A common misconception is that these are the same people who haven't read very many poems. But like most things, upon closer inspection, it's much more complicated.
Too many designers dilute InterContinental's impact Boston Globe
"Boring" is the word for the new InterContinental Boston Hotel and Residences, the huge new twin-towered glassy mountain that recently appeared downtown.
Common crisis brings out the best in neighbors The Olympian
Dec. 14-15 windstorm. But amid all that doom and gloom were dozens of inspirational stories of neighbors helping neighbors. Just ask Tom and Margaret Williams, an elderly couple living in a modest 12-unit apartment complex on the shores at the end of Pattison Lake Drive.
Filipinos love to celebrate. This is most evident in how Filipinos celebrate during fiestas: the grand preparations among neighbors, the colorful buntings in the air, the raucous bands parading on the streets.
'I'm interested in how people get read' Honolulu Star-Bulletin
They don't look like much at first glance, especially from a distance. But there's something about Geoffrey Chadsey's pencil drawings of ordinary people in ordinary settings: It feels as though the faces are familiar somehow, even though they're clearly not.
Banking and Financial Mondaq
Over the past year, acquisitive companies have increasingly seen the mergers and acquisitions market become stronger and more competitive. While this is good news on many fronts, it also can signal heightened opportunity for disputes to arise in the wake of a deal.
Same old flute this holiday? Try something new Asbury Park Press
Before we replace our musty old vices with our virtuous New Year's resolutions, we get one final reprieve, one last night when we can embrace the drink without guilt.
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