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'Now is the time to stop killing the unborn' WorldNet Daily
It is time that the judicial pendulum that at the extension of its arc created the "right to abortion" in 1973 swings back, and a federal ban on the gruesome "solution" called partial-birth abortion that the industry uses for many late-term procedures is a good start.
Genetic Counseling: What's in it for you? Southern Illinoisan
Every month, medical journals seem to be identifying new genetic diseases. One of medicine's most rapidly evolving fields, genetics is the study of heredity or how the characteristics of living things are transmitted from one generation to the next.
Mom's Meth Use Passes Drug to Fetus MedicineNet.com
Title: Mom's Meth Use Passes Drug to Fetus Category: Health News Created: 11/3/2006 2:05:00 AM Last Editorial Review: 11/3/2006 2:05:08 AM
'Killing babies as they are being born shouldn't be legal' WorldNetDaily
The U.S. Supreme Court is being asked in arguments today to prevent the American catastrophe of abortion from becoming actual infanticide, through the gruesome procedure known as partial-birth abortion.
Rare Infections After Medically Induced Abortions Likely Not Drug-related Science Daily
Since 2000, five women in North America who had medically induced abortions died from toxic shock caused by a Clostridium sordellii infection. This has led some people to question the safety of the combination of the drugs mifepristone and misoprostol frequently used in MIA procedures.
Mom's Meth Use Passes Drug to Fetus HealthDay via Yahoo! News
THURSDAY, Nov. 2 (HealthDay News) -- Sampling babies' hair, scientists confirmed that infants are exposed to "crystal meth" (methamphetamine) in the womb if their mothers use the drug.
Periodontal treatment doesn't reduce preterm birth Reuters via Yahoo! News
Treating women for periodontal disease during pregnancy is safe and effective, but does not reduce the risk of preterm delivery, low birth weight or growth restriction of the fetus, a new study shows.
Mom's Meth Use Passes Drug to Fetus KOLD News 13 Tuscon
THURSDAY, Nov. 2 (HealthDay News) -- Sampling babies' hair, scientists confirmed that infants are exposed to "crystal meth" (methamphetamine) in the womb if their mothers use the
Twins have lifesaving surgery at a very young age El Paso Times
Las Cruces resident Monica Almaraz was excited about becoming a mother again when she went for an ultrasound to find out the of her baby.
New Study Finds Amniocentesis Safer For Pregnant Women Science Daily
Amniocentesis is the most commonly prescribed invasive test performed during pregnancies in the United States. Researchers at Mount School of Medicine in conjunction with other institutions in the FASTER trial report that pregnancy miscarriage rates after routine midtrimester amniocentesis are significantly lower than rates previously published years ago in the 1970s and 1980s -- 0.5 percent or 1

Epigee Pregnancy Resource: Fetal Development
Reviews the development of the embryo and fetus in the first three months of pregnancy with zing color pictures. Third Trimester Fetal Growth
From Conception to Birth A Fetal Growth Timeline
Article outlining your baby's growth and development before birth.
Fetal Growth and Development
Outline of the different stages of fetal growth and development.
eMedicine Fetal Growth Restriction : Article by Terry Harper, MD
Fetal Growth Restriction Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) refers to a condition in which a fetus is unable to achieve i genetically determined
Basic Imaging > Ultrasound of Fetal Biometrics and Growth
Section 4: Types and Causes of Fetal Growth Retardation Delay or retardation of growth is a fairly reliable indicator of a fetus at high risk for

From Conception to Birth - A Fetal Growth Timeline
Article outlining your baby's growth and development before birth.
Fetal Growth and Development
Outline of the different stages of fetal growth and development.
eMedicine - Fetal Growth Restriction : Article by Terry Harper, MD
Fetal Growth Restriction - Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) refers to a condition in which a fetus is unable to achieve its genetically determined
Basic Imaging > Ultrasound of Fetal Biometrics and Growth
Section 4: Types and Causes of Fetal Growth Retardation Delay or retardation of growth is a fairly reliable indicator of a fetus at high risk for
Fetus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[citation needed] Ultimately, the offspring should be able to live up to its term growth potential. Factors affecting fetal growth can be maternal,
Intrauterine Growth Restriction: Identification and Management
Fetal growth restriction is the second leading cause of perinatal morbidity Asymmetric growth restriction implies a fetus who is undernourished and is
Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a term used to describe a condition in which the fetus is smaller than expected for the number of weeks of
Fetal Growth and Development - Cambridge University Press
This exciting new publication provides a valuable insight into fetal growth and development across all the main body systems, and examines the influence of
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