Launeddas of Master Tarcisio Pisanu

The launeddas they are the more ancient polifonico instrument of the Mediterranean. Nuragico E' be recovered a bronzetto going back to the 2800 a.C. and therefore has approximately 5000 history years.

The secrets of construction and the melodie have been hand on to you in the centuries orally.

Various families of instruments exist, in several tonalities.

In order to obtain a satisfactory instrument, it must use seasoned canes from at least three years. For the tuning wax of bees is used.

Draft in fact of an instrument constructed with swampy canes that one technical of particular breath demands, call " continuous or circular Breath ".

According to the length and of the thickness of canes the several tonalities are gained. In order to construct the ance thin cane pieces are used, that they grow alone in some zones of the Sardinia.

Structure of the instrument:

Tumbu, or low (famous only)

Mancosa or accompanyment

Mancosedda - melodia

In order to learn the technique of the continuous breath it must try a simple exercise that consists in this:

- By means of a cannuccia, dipped in a water glass, it must blow until forming of the bubbles. Before finishing the air of reservoir it must be inspirare with force, so as to not to have pauses in the emission of the breath (and therefore in the formation of the bubbles).

The swollen suonatore the cheeks and blows in canes proceeding simultaneously to the inspiration.