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Memo to nanny: no juice boxes Bonita Daily News
-- The nanny in the Seattle suburbs who may be drinking on the job.
24 Hour Montreal: Student special Hour.ca
Welcome, students. My name is Professor Oldhack Journalitz. As you will soon learn, cheap, clean, good fun awaits you at every corner in this fine city of Montreal.
From Reality TV To Real Life Seattle Times
Peek into the refrigerator of Suzy Preston, the spunky Des Moines hairdresser with rhinestone spectacles who lost 95 pounds last year to win third
A New Bible for Eating Well Science News
A new book offers one-stop shopping for authoritative nutrition advice—the first time the Institute of Medicine in Washington, D.C., has issued such a tome in nearly 2 decades. It summarizes a wealth of the institute's eating guidelines that have been trickling out over the past decade.

Chocolate is Poison to Your Dog / Animal Care / ComPortOne of
Do not test your dog's will-power on something that could be fatal if ingested. eats chocolate - you must know the warning signs and CALL YOUR VET if
Free Information About Chocolate Poisoning in Dogs
We generally do experience somewhat of a rise in chocolate calls around holidays, If a 50-pound dog eats a teaspoonful of milk chocolate, it's not
Vet Articles : Chocolate & Other Dangerous Goodies - Dog.com
If your dog does eat chocolate-containing foods or candy, first find out the Please refer to last week's topic on what to do if your dog chews glass
The Straight Dope: Is chocolate toxic to dogs?
By the way, what the hell is theobromine and what does it do? You ever watch your dog eat? Dogs will make pigs of themselves if they get unlimited
Chocolate and Your Pets
who eat too much chocolate may vomit at first and/or have diarrhea. If enough of the. chocolate is absorbed, the dog may start to show signs of

Vet Articles : Chocolate & Other Dangerous Goodies - Dog.com
If your dog does eat chocolate-containing foods or candy, first find out the Please refer to last week's topic on what to do if your dog chews glass
The Straight Dope: Is chocolate toxic to dogs?
By the way, what the hell is theobromine and what does it do? You ever watch your dog eat? Dogs will make pigs of themselves if they get unlimited
Chocolate and Your Pets
who eat too much chocolate may vomit at first and/or have diarrhea. If enough of the. chocolate is absorbed, the dog may start to show signs of
Care For Animals
Also be aware that an accidental overdose of cake, bars, etc. containing chocolate can pose a significant risk to a dog. If this should happen to your pet,
Chihuahua Stoned | Ask MetaFilter
What do you do if your dog eats a bunch of pot? It takes concentrated chocolate to kill a dog, but with a small dog your safety margin is smaller.
dog nutrition - can dogs eat chocolate and what happens when they do
dog nutrition - can dogs eat chocolate and what happens when they do. I would definitely encourage you to call a vet if your dog ingests a sizeable
what to do if a dog eats chocolate
If your cat is like mine and eats any chocolate what to do if a dog eats To do if your dog eats chocolate what the symptoms are of ingestion,
Do dogs really die if they eat chocolate? - how chocolate affects
Chocolate contains a couple of chemicals (theobromine and caffeine) that do weird things to a dog. If a dog eats too much chocolate, it will start vomiting,

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