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Verizon's High-Fiber Diet The Motley Fool via Yahoo! News
Last Thursday, Verizon (NYSE: VZ - News) formally updated investors on its new fiber-optic service, appropriately named FiOS. It's Verizon's attempt to remain relevant as cable companies such as Comcast (Nasdaq: CMCSA - News) and Cablevision (NYSE: CVC - News) increasingly lure customers away from its traditional landline business.
Verizon CEO Exercises Stock Options AP via Yahoo! Finance
Verizon Communications Inc. Chairman and Chief Executive Ivan Seidenberg exercised 285,000 soon-to-expire stock options this week at a profit of almost $1.8 million, the New York-based telephone company disclosed in a filing.
Verizon Wireless Customers Experience the Halo Universe on Their Mobile Phones SYS-CON Media
Verizon Wireless, the nation's leading wireless service provider, and IN-FUSIO, the international mobile games publisher, today announced the launch of the Halo: Mobile Portal for Verizon Wireless Get It Now(R) customers to download on their wireless phones. The Halo: Mobile Portal is a way for fans of one of the best selling Xbox(R) games to stay connected to the Halo(TM) Universe, even when
Verizon Wireless Expands Its Network in Yates County SYS-CON Media
In a continuing effort to provide the best wireless service for local residents of Yates County, Verizon Wireless has expanded its network with a new cell site in Branchport. The new site increases coverage and capacity in the town of Branchport, along Route 54A east toward Penn Yan, south of Branchport along Route 54A and the west side of Keuka Lake, along Route 54 and the east side of Keuka
Verizon Wireless Expands Its Network in Ontario County SYS-CON Media
In a continuing effort to provide the best wireless service for local residents of Ontario County, Verizon Wireless has expanded its network with a new cell site in Geneva. The new site increases coverage and capacity, and expands the company's high-speed wireless broadband service, in downtown Geneva and on the campus of Hobart-William Smith College, north and south of the city on Route 14, west
Verizon Communications downgraded to "sector perform" New Ratings
NEW YORK, October 4 (newratings.com) - Analyst Jonathan Atkin of RBC Capital Markets downgrades Verizon Communications Inc ( VZ.NYS ) from "outperform" to "sector perform." The target price is set to $38.
Verizon Business centraliza la red de IFS con el fin de ofrecer su apoyo en su proceso de expansión de negocio SYS-CON Media
Verizon Business ha anunciado la firma de un contrato por el que IFS de Suecia contará con una infraestructura WAN (Wide Area Network) estandarizada, consolidando de esta forma la gestión de sesenta ubicaciones en todo el mundo.
Verizon Business centraliserer IFS' netvaerk for at understøtte deres forretningsekspansion SYS-CON Media
Verizon Business annoncerer i dag, at de skal levere en Wide Area Network (WAN) infrastrukturløsning, der konsoliderer styringen af 60 globale kontorer hos IFS i Sverige.
Verizon Business Centralizes IFS Network to Support Business Expansion SYS-CON Media
Verizon Business today announced that it will provide IFS of Sweden with a standardized wide area network (WAN) infrastructure, consolidating the management of 60 global sites.
Verizon Business Centraliseert Netwerk van het Zweedse software provider IFS SYS-CON Media
Verizon Business zal het Zweedse softwarebedrijf IFS voorzien van een gestandaardiseerde Wide Area Network (WAN) infrastructuur, waarmee het beheer van zestig locaties wereldwijd wordt samengevoegd. Door de nieuwe overeenkomst wordt de bestaande relatie tussen beide bedrijven verlengt.

Verizon Foundation - Homepage
Our mission: to build more literate communities and support solutions for domestic violence.
Verizon Online - DSL for Home
Offering national dialup, DSL and wireless Internet access plans.
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Verizon Wireless. We never stop working for you.®. Cart Empty; Store Locator · Contact Us · About Us · Site Map · Home · Personal · Business · My Account
Verizon Business
Verizon Business has the people, the networks, and the experience to help your business compete using today’s technology, and tomorrow’s.

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Verizon Wireless: We never stop working for you. Get It Now! Español FAQs Contact Us. Join Up, Are You In? Launch Demo, Help. Sign In. Mobile Number:
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Verizon Wireless. We never stop working for you.®. Cart Empty; Store Locator · Contact Us · About Us · Site Map · Home · Personal · Business · My Account
Verizon Business
Verizon Business has the people, the networks, and the experience to help your business compete using today’s technology, and tomorrow’s.
Verizon Online
The Verizon Internet Security Suite: Your one source for online security Use of Verizon Online Internet access services and Web sites are subject to
Verizon Communications - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Prior to its transformation into Verizon, Bell Atlantic had merged with another The merger of Bell Atlantic and GTE, to form Verizon Communications,
Verizon Online - Verizon Online DSL
Verizon Online DSL -- The best value in broadband just got better! Offer by Verizon Online for all new residential DSL customers ordering service online
Verizon Wireless Get It Now V CAST
V CAST delivers a streaming mobile video experience with high quality picture, better sound and longer clips. And, of course, more content to choose from:
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