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Commentary: Beware Of 'Infomania' Forbes
Some tips on coping with clutter from e-mail to inbox.
Vote Incumbents Out Sierra Times
This letter entered my inbox this week. It’s a good start as to why we must vote out most incumbents from Congress.
Sending a newsletter can be easily done with a bit of regrouping Contra Costa Times
Q I am looking for a program that will allow me to put out an electronic newsletter to be sent by e-mail. I want something easy to use, above all. I do my own e-mail in Microsoft Office, and there may be a way to use that program, but I can't see what it would be. Any thoughts?
Guide to Business News The Philadelphia Inquirer
Sign up for a free, daily e-mail newsletter, Inquirer Business Update, via the link on the Business Web page at www.philly.com. Published Monday through Friday at midday, the newsletter highlights the day's top local and national stories. It also provides links to stories in that day's Inquirer and tells you what to expect in the next edition.
Follow the playoffs on your cell phone MLB.com
Follow the playoffs on your cell phone
Mixed Signals NPR
October 3, 2006 · Robert Scoble, for those of you who don't know, was probably the first guy to be a "corporate" blogger. He did it for Microsoft and soon became something of a household name in tech blog circles.
Executive declares Friday's 'no-e-mail' days Orange County Register
ATLANTA – Scott Dockter's breaking point came about two months ago. He and his assistant had spent the better part of the morning e-mailing each other trying to get a project approved. His assistant sits 20 feet away.
Right Address Key to Finding Compacted File RedNova
Q. While using Outlook Express 6, it occasionally offers to compact folders to reduce space on my hard drive.
Scoble Packs It In NPR: Mixed Signals
Robert Scoble, for those of you who don't know, was probably the first guy to be a "corporate" blogger. He did it for Microsoft and soon became something of a household name in tech blog circles. His book Naked Conversations: How Blogs are Changing the Way Businesses Talk With Customers is pretty good and was handed to me before I started blogging for Mixed Signals. He still keeps his blog
Stop e-mail clutter at work from immobilising you Independent Online
The sense of being overwhelmed is compounded when you find yourself facing a flood of new e-mail messages every time you open your inbox, sending stress levels soaring.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w # mbox-inbox - coldsync mailbox fetch conduit
$Id: mailbox-inbox,v 1.3 2003/06/05 21:53:57 cpb Exp $ use strict; use POSIX; use ColdSync; use Palm::Mail; use Mail::Box::Manager 2.00; # Default values
Mail::Box::Tie::ARRAY - access an existing message folder as array
use Mail::Box::Manager; my $mgr = Mail::Box::Manager->new; my $folder = $mgr->open(folder => 'inbox'); use Mail::Box::Tie::ARRAY; tie my(@inbox),
Mail::Box - manage a mailbox, a folder with messages - search.cpan.org
tie my(@inbox), 'Mail::Box::Tie::ARRAY', $inbox; # Four times the same: my $mgr = Mail::Box::Manager->new; my $folder = $mgr->open('InBox');
Penn Engineering - CETS Answers - How do I move messages from the
The message is then marked for deletion from the inbox and copied into the new mail box. To view other mail boxes such as the newly created,
Disconnected mail handling with IMAP, Mutt, isync, and mairix
Tunnel "ssh -C -q your.mail.server /usr/local/libexec/imapd" MailDir Mail Mailbox INBOX Box INBOX Mailbox mailbox1 Box Mail/mailbox1 Mailbox mailbox2 Box

Mail::Box - manage a mailbox, a folder with messages - search.cpan.org
tie my(@inbox), 'Mail::Box::Tie::ARRAY', $inbox; # Four times the same: my $mgr = Mail::Box::Manager->new; my $folder = $mgr->open('InBox');
Penn Engineering - CETS Answers - How do I move messages from the
The message is then marked for deletion from the inbox and copied into the new mail box. To view other mail boxes such as the newly created,
Disconnected mail handling with IMAP, Mutt, isync, and mairix
Tunnel "ssh -C -q your.mail.server /usr/local/libexec/imapd" MailDir Mail Mailbox INBOX Box INBOX Mailbox mailbox1 Box Mail/mailbox1 Mailbox mailbox2 Box
43F Series: “Inbox Zero” | 43 Folders
Reduce e-mail overload using Microsoft Outlook rules… The series is called “Zero inbox ” and looks at how you take your inbox from being stuffed to zero
Mail Box Dispatcher free download. Mail Box Dispatcher is a Spam
Mail Box Dispatcher is a Spam Blocker that filters spam, Spam Guard is an Outlook add-in that filters e-mail that arrives in your inbox.
macosxhints.com - Integrate Gmail and Mail.app inbox and sent
It is easy to give Mail.app and Gmail something very close to synchronized inbox and sent mail boxes. Any message sent in Mail.app will be stored in Gmail's
Sconex -- My Mailbox (Inbox)
My Mailbox (Inbox) New Message · Blocked Users. See Folder:. Inbox, Sent, Trash From, Date, Subject. You currently have no messages in this mailbox.
MSN Hotmail - Inbox
Inbox (21). Junk Mail (3). Sent Messages. Drafts. Trash Can. Sharon (2789). God (2145980). Rumsfeld (150). Dick (78). Condy (89). Daddy (201)

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