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Arts Calendar Rapid City Journal
To get your event listed in the Arts Calendar, e-mail the information to barbara.badwound@rapidcityjournal.com or mail to: Arts Calendar, Rapid City Journal, P.O. Box 450, Rapid City, SD 57709. Include the phone number of a contact person. Submissions will not be taken over the phone.
Hints From Heloise Washington Post
A Box Full of Leaves Dear Heloise: A while back, I read in the Houston Chronicle about the strange things readers have received in the mail.
Books: Albom's 'For One More Day' CBS News
To learn more about many of the books discussed on The Early Show in Ooctober, check here. Among them: Mitch Albom's "For One More Day." Read an excerpt.
'Nine' went into bank -- how many will get out? San Francisco Chronicle
RATING: (WILD APPLAUSE) The Nine: Drama. 10 p.m. Wednesdays on ABC. "This will all be over in five minutes." That's a quote from a bank robber in "The Nine," one of the fall season's best new dramas,
Don't Let Your Home Be Underinsured Kewanee Star Courier
(ARA) - With the home improvement season upon us, there is no better time than now to review your homeowners insurance to make sure you have the coverage you need.
Sexual abuse charges against church pastors Neosho Daily News
Are you surprised by the charges? How will this affect the church communities of Newton and McDonald counties? Give your opinion.
Haynesworth calls Gurode to apologize Rocky Mountain News
After calling the phone number all day with no luck, Titans defensive tackle Albert Haynesworth finally got the chance Tuesday to personally apologize to Andre Gurode for tearing open the Cowboys center's face with a cleat.
Calendar of Events Fayette County Review
• The West Fayette Republican Club will have its monthly meeting at Piperton City Hall on Highway 196 south of Highway 57. Light snacks will be served at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. It will feature a forum on the Adequate Facilities Tax. The meeting is open to all members and other interested persons.
Healing the sick, guiding the way The Courier
By Brooke Vermillion-Chambers Reporter The Arkansas Medical Society said between 250,000 and 500,000 Arkansans do not have private insurance coverage and do not qualify for Medicare or Medicaid.
End Airline Check-In Hassle PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
EASYTRAVELKITS.COM is the busy traveler's solution to confiscation of personal care items at airport check-in. Barclay Crocker Inc. is offering two complete personal care kits for men and women, each at a delivered price of $26.95 by priority mail direct to destination hotel, office or residence.

Mail Boxes Etc. Global Store Locator
Find a Mail Boxes Etc. location near you. Mail Boxes Etc® centers are independently owned and operated by franchisees of Mail Boxes Etc.,
Products & Services - Etc.
The UPS Store™ and Mail Boxes Etc.® locations offer a variety of additional products and services for your benefit. Contact your neighborhood location for
The UPS Store: Retail packing, shipping, postal & business
The UPS Store® locations are independently owned and operated by franchisees of Mail Boxes Etc., Inc. in the USA and by its international master licensees
Mail Boxes Etc. UK&Ireland
The Mail Boxes Etc Centre is found on Union Street in Dundee city centre between the Overgate Shopping Centre and the Railway Station.
Mail Boxes ETC

The UPS Store: Retail packing, shipping, postal & business
The UPS Store® locations are independently owned and operated by franchisees of Mail Boxes Etc., Inc. in the USA and by its international master licensees
Mail Boxes Etc. UK&Ireland
The Mail Boxes Etc Centre is found on Union Street in Dundee city centre between the Overgate Shopping Centre and the Railway Station.
Mail Boxes ETC
Mail Boxes Etc.
Mail Boxes ETC - are an independent company that specialise in supplying, mail box addresses; Post box Addresses; Business addresses.
UPS Pressroom: The UPS Store/Mail Boxes Etc.
You need a fax and mailbox ready to receive your clients' responses. 11/13/03, USPS Honors Mail Boxes Etc. For Combating Mail Fraud
MBE Mail Boxes Etc. Macclesfield
This Macclesfield franchise provides postal, business and communication services for Macclesfield businesses and private individuals.
Mail Boxes Etc., Inc.
Web Site and E-mail. Learn more by visiting the Web site of The UPS Store, one of the franchise brands managed by Mail Boxes Etc.
Mail Boxes Etc.
Make Mail Boxes Etc. your business partner. We have the support services your Mail Boxes Etc., the nation’s first and finest business support service

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