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Teen chases down mom's torturer Independent Online
A Somerset West schoolboy has rescued his mother from an attacker who had kept her captive and tortured her for more than three hours - taking a break only to eat chocolate.
Chef Stirs Up Fancy Food For Berkeley School Kids Berkeley Daily Planet
Two turkey hot dogs, Tater Tots, canned fruit and chocolate milk—that was what lunch meant for Berkeley public school students a year ago.
Wine delis pair expertise, matching food and drink The Oregonian
M ost of us do our everyday wine shopping either hurriedly at the grocery store or less hurriedly at a wine store. But neither venue is perfect.
Pork, beef make bad double feature Orange County Register
Barry's weekly take on Hollywood. I watched a movie in a hot-dog stand the other day. At the same time, the guy behind me ate a hot dog in a movie theater.
Eat This! Las Vegas CityLife
Eat This! is a list of recommended restaurants based on reviews by current and former CityLife critics. If you know of an establishment worthy of inclusion, contact Listings Editor Bev Bryan at 702-871-6780 ext. 309 or listings@lvcitylife.com . Restaurants occasionally switch locations or close on short notice, so please call before visiting.
Where did they get these names? Poughkeepsie Journal
Chances are, you know the name of those bright red, candied orbs that ornament the summit of your favorite sundae, but what exactly is a maraschino cherry, and where on earth (or beyond) do they come from? If like me, you find the genealogy of food interesting, keep reading.
WQED's Dave and Dave Showcase the State in Eat Pennsylvania: A Keystone Plate Special Broadcast Newsroom
PITTSBURGH, Sept. 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Where can you get breakfast for dinner? Where can you buy a 15-pound hamburger? Where is America's first pretzel bakery?
Heeding a call to help farmers The Philadelphia Inquirer
Farm Aid '06 rolled into the Garden State yesterday, turning the gritty city of Camden's waterfront into a green swath of organic veggie burgers, zero transfat potato chips, and good-time rock-and-roll.
WQED's Dave and Dave Showcase the State in Eat Pennsylvania: A Keystone Plate Special PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Where can you get breakfast for dinner?
The hungry mind The San Luis Obispo Tribune
We remember what it’s like to be a college student: eat, study, hang with friends, party and before you know it, you’re hungry again. In honor of the new school year, we’ve created a guide to spots where college students (and yeah, we eat there, too) like to chow down in San Luis Obispo.

Pets Health
While most lethal cases of chocolate poisoning occur when small dogs eat large If you witness your dog eating chocolate or if it shows any signs of
Dogs and chocolate cats and chocolate - weekly pet tips by Pets.ca
Dogs and cats must NOT eat chocolate. Although the reaction to chocolate varies from dog to dog based on the quantity eaten in relation to its size,
Pets : Chocolate and Your Dogs Health--What you should Know
**How much chocolate can a dog eat and survive?** People stop eating chocolate before getting to toxic levels, but dogs don't!
Can I give my dog chocolate: dog eating chocolate
Can I give my dog chocolate? Eating behaviors questions, include; dog eating chocolate. Should I give my dog chew bones?, How can I stop my dog from going
Dog Eating Chocolate - What To Do If A Dog Eats Chocolate
Please note that cats are much more sensitive to all toxins and these toxic doses are only valid for dogs. If your cat is like mine and eats any chocolate
Free Information About Chocolate Poisoning in Dogs
How Much Chocolate Is Deadly? If a 50-pound dog eats a teaspoonful of milk chocolate, it's not going to cause serious problems. However, if that same dog
dog nutrition - can dogs eat chocolate and what happens when they do
dog nutrition - can dogs eat chocolate and what happens when they do.
Vet Articles : Chocolate & Other Dangerous Goodies - Dog.com
If your dog does eat chocolate-containing foods or candy, first find out the kind of chocolate that was consumed (ie pure dark chocolate, milk chocolate,

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