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Chocolate, nuts good idea in Inspiration Cake Akron Beacon Journal
Jeri Hensley of Green asked for a recipe for Inspiration Cake, which her mom used to bake. She described it as ``white with dark chocolate swirls.'' She didn't mention the layers of pecans.
Pashmina Store Announces Top Fall Fashion Colors; Dark Chocolate, Cranberry and Red Join Black and Natural on the List PR Web via Yahoo! News
Humble, TX (PRWEB) October 2, 2006 -- The Pashmina Store announced that its top selling Fall colors across all shawls, wraps and scarves include perennial favorites black and natural along with dark chocolate brown, cranberry and red.
Greater accuracy in allergy chocolate testing, study Food Production Daily
02/10/2006 - Peanut allergy sufferers may soon be able to dig into dark chocolate without fear of hidden nuts, thanks to new research undertaken by US scientists.
Pashmina Store Announces Top Fall Fashion Colors; Dark Chocolate, Cranberry and Red Join Black and Natural on the List PR Web
The Pashmina Store announces that top selling Fall colors are dark browns and reds in addition to black and natural. Wedding favorites include champagne, sage green and silver grey. (PRWEB Oct 2, 2006) Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/zingpr.php/U2luZy1Ib3JyLU1hZ24tU3VtbS1JbnNlLVplcm8=
Brrr, time for an oatmeal stout NorthJersey.com
When there's a slight chill in the evening air, there's nothing I enjoy more than sipping silky oatmeal stout. Oatmeal adds a nutty, earthy flavor and a silky texture to this member of the stout family. Dark grains combine with malt sweetness for flavors of milk chocolate and coffee cream.
Chocolate, Waffles and ‘cross: The start of a new season Velo News
Ouch. It's been more than eight months since I suffered through my last cyclo-cross race in Belgium and let me tell you it doesn't take long to remember why ‘cross is such a tough sport. It also doesn't take long to remember why it's so much fun, either.
If you don’t count it, it’s still a calorie The State
If you eat a hunk of chocolate cake in the dark and nobody is there to see you do it, do the calories still count?
Chunky Chocolate and Smooth Peanut Butter BellaOnline
Chocolate and peanut butter go together like love and kisses. Here's why you should go ahead and indulge in them now and then -- and a delicious way of doing so.
Houston Chronicle Computing Column: Chocolate Cell Phone More Snack Than Meal RedNova
By Dwight Silverman, Houston Chronicle Oct. 3--There are two schools of thought on what makes a good handheld device. Consumer electronics nirvana is either one gadget that takes care of all your digital needs, or a specialized gizmo that does one thing very, very well.
I want S'MORE Pantagraph
With a mouth full of graham crackers, melted marshmallow and warm chocolate, try asking for "some more." Some say that's how the gooey campfire treat was named.

Scharffen Berger
Maker of fine dark chocolate. Product information, virtual factory tour and recipes.
Chocolate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chocolate most commonly comes in dark, milk, and white varieties, The finest plain dark chocolate covertures contain at least 70% cocoa (solids +
Chocolate, Dark Chocolate is Healthy Chocolate
Chocolate, Dark Chocolate is Healthy Chocolate, Learn about chocolate.
M&M'S® Dark Chocolate
Where to Buy M&M'S® Candies | Change Your Email | Contact Us | Site Map | International · PRIVACY POLICY | Note to Parents | Legal | Allergy Info | Site
BBC NEWS | Health | Dark chocolate may be healthier
Dark chocolate may have better anti-oxidant properties than milk chocolate, a study suggests.

Chocolate, Dark Chocolate is Healthy Chocolate
Chocolate, Dark Chocolate is Healthy Chocolate, Learn about chocolate.
M&M'S® Dark Chocolate
Where to Buy M&M'S® Candies | Change Your Email | Contact Us | Site Map | International · PRIVACY POLICY | Note to Parents | Legal | Allergy Info | Site
BBC NEWS | Health | Dark chocolate may be healthier
Dark chocolate may have better anti-oxidant properties than milk chocolate, a study suggests.
M&M'S® Chocolate MPire
© 2006 Mars, Incorporated and its Affiliates. All Rights Reserved. | © Lucasfilm 2005. All Rights Reserved.
Dark chocolate may reduce blood pressure, improve insulin resistance
If you have high blood pressure, a daily bar-sized serving of flavonol-rich dark chocolate might lower your blood pressure and improve insulin resistance,
Dark chocolate and the healthy heart
Dark chocolate, which is typically a bit more expensive and not quite as sweet, As far as the fat in dark chocolate goes, it's mostly a saturated
Amazon.com Gourmet Food: Chocolate / Dark Chocolate: Fruit, Nuts
Online shopping for Dark Chocolate from a great selection of Chocolate; Fruit, Nuts & Caramels, Truffles & Creams, Assortments, Liqueurs & Cordials,
Cooking For Engineers - Recipe File: Dark Chocolate Souffle
This dark chocolate soufflé is easy to make and can be the perfect finale to a romantic Dark Chocolate Soufflé (serves two; recipe can be doubled)

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