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Doorway smokers risking fines The Scotsman
SMOKING ban enforcers are warning city pubs and clubs they will not tolerate smokers sheltering in doorways as the weather takes a turn for the worse.
The loss of a family dog is difficult The Record-Courier
Our chihuahua named Peaches died. Her body was older than her age, but it finally gave out on her. While we mourn her loss and remember all the good times we've had with her I also remember last year our 5-month-old puppy named Moto died of a black

Veterinary Information - Toxins that Affect Dogs
Milk chocolate rarely contains enough chocolate to pose a serious threat to dogs from chocolate toxicity. A lot of dogs get pretty good cases of diarrhea

Chocolate toxicity in dogs
Chocolate - active ingredient = theobromine: The half life in the dog is 17.5 hours The Toxic dose in the dog is 100-150 mg/kg. A kilogram (kg) = 2.2 lbs.
Pet Health Tips chocolate toxicity
Chocolate can indeed be toxic to dogs. In fact, it is one of the 20 most reported poisonings. The ingredient in chocolate that causes the toxicity is
C - Chocolate toxicity in dogs.
Chocolate toxicity. Chocolate contains a xanthine compound, theobromine, that is toxic If you suspect chocolate poisoning and your dog or cat is showing

Chocolate toxicity in dogs
Chocolate - active ingredient = theobromine: The half life in the dog is 17.5 hours The Toxic dose in the dog is 100-150 mg/kg. A kilogram (kg) = 2.2 lbs.
Pet Health Tips chocolate toxicity
Chocolate can indeed be toxic to dogs. In fact, it is one of the 20 most reported poisonings. The ingredient in chocolate that causes the toxicity is
C - Chocolate toxicity in dogs.
Chocolate toxicity. Chocolate contains a xanthine compound, theobromine, that is toxic If you suspect chocolate poisoning and your dog or cat is showing
Chocolate Toxicity and Dogs
Making the pet vomit is helpful if it's withing an hour or so of ingesting the chocolate and giving an absorbent like activated charcoal might help.
Chocolate Toxicity
Toxic doses of theobromine are 9mg per pound of dog for mild signs up top 18 mg per pound of dog for severe signs. Milk chocolate contains 44mg/ounce of
Phouka Dog Pages: Chocolate Toxicity in Dogs
Chocolate Toxicity. Levels of theobromine in Chocolate Hershey's kisses are milk chocolate, but a few aren't usually dangerous for larger dogs.
Chocolate Toxicity in Dogs
Notes on Chocolate Toxicity in Dogs by Bonnie Dalzell, MA. The following information is taken from: Kirk and Bistner's Handbook of Veterinary Procedures and
Home-Human Foods that Poison Pets
Each of these foods contains chemicals which rarely cause problems for humans, but for dogs, these same chemicals can be deadly. Chocolate toxicity; Onion

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