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Mystery continues this weekend Salisbury Post
"The Mystery of Edwin Drood" — 7:30 p.m. tonight through Saturday. Hedrick Theater, Catawba College. $10 adults, $8 non-Catawba students and seniors. 704-637-4417. lfkesler@catawba.edu.
Music Listings San Francisco Bay Guardian
Music listings are compiled by Duncan Scott Davidson. The music interns are Hayley Kaufman, Todd Lavoie, and Aaron Sankin. Since club life is unpredictable, it’s a good idea to call ahead to confirm bookings and hours. Prices are listed when provided to us.
Tube Notes Honolulu Advertiser
"The Bob & Tom Comedy Tour," 6 p.m., Comedy Central. One of life's surprising pleasures is "The Bob & Tom Show," weekday mornings on 150 radio stations nationwide. Bob Kevoian and Tom Griswold have some clever scripted bits; more importantly, they get the best out of visits by stand-up comedians.
Fall Arts: Theater, music and dance to entertain you until 2007 King County Journal
The leaves are falling, the nights are colder, the days are shorter. Fall might bring on the blues for some, but there is hope on the horizon, or at least in theater houses and concert hall throughout King County. Share in the joy of fall with our annual guide to the best the arts have to offer.
Capsule movie reviews El Paso Times
"The Black Dahlia" (R) Brian De Palma and "The Black Dahlia" are a natural fit, a filmmaker with a gift - or curse - for crafting visceral, lurid imagery, and a story that's heavy on bloody evisceration. That's not to say the result is a good movie, though.
Interpol To Record Soph-- Oh Wait, It's Just More Tour Dates Pitchfork
Forgive me if this news update comes across as needlessly caustic, but this reporter is just about over Interpol's tour-our-successful-record-to-death career strategy and furthermore, the band's uniformly predictable live show.
School Bulletin Board Daily News Journal
The following news and events are from area schools. E-mail your information to dougdavis@dnj.com or send by fax to 893-4186. E-mailing is preferred. Events will be published each Wednesday in The DNJ.

Funny Flash Movie - Michael Jackson and The Chocolate Factory
Funny Flash Movie - Michael Jackson and The Chocolate Factory - Flash Video, Flash Animation, Funny Cartoon - KillSomeTime.com.
Michael Jackson's Chocolate Factory - GOYK.COM
Please vote for Michael Jackson's Chocolate Factory yahh see im not much a whole big fan of the michael jackson stuff its gettin kinda old,
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digg - Micheal Jackson's chocolate factory
My name is Michael and I have a christmas stocking that says "Micheal" on it that "Micheal Jackson's chocolate factory. Take a guess what its about"
:: rogerebert.com :: Reviews :: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" succeeds in spite of Johnny Depp's The problem is not simply that Willy Wonka looks like Michael Jackson;

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digg - Micheal Jackson's chocolate factory
My name is Michael and I have a christmas stocking that says "Micheal" on it that "Micheal Jackson's chocolate factory. Take a guess what its about"
:: rogerebert.com :: Reviews :: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" succeeds in spite of Johnny Depp's The problem is not simply that Willy Wonka looks like Michael Jackson;
OuthouseRag: Michael Jackson's chocolate factory
Michael Jackson's chocolate factory. While it may be a little tasteless, it`s still funny. 07/19/2005 | Permalink. Comments. Post a comment
MilkandCookies - Michael Jackson and the Chocolate Factory
Michael Jackson and the Chocolate Factory. Michael Jackson plays the demented owner of the Wonka Chocolate Factory.
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http://just2pale.litterell.com/ · http://www.kdge.com/mornings/morning.html.
MICHAEL JACKSON AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY? OK. Unless we are talking about a whore like Paris Hilton, I don't like to make fun of people.
Michael Jackson Chocolate Factory funny flash movie
Michael Jackson Chocolate Factory funny flash movie.

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