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Trick or treats not for pets The Hillsboro Argus
It's Halloween time again. You know how to keep your little trick-or-treaters safe. What about your pets? Secure your pet in another part of the house. Keeping your dog or cat away from the front door is the best way to ensure that they will not get out at all.
October 4-10 Seattle Weekly
This week's music calendar.
September 27-October 3 Seattle Weekly
This week's music calendar.
Doorway smokers risking fines The Scotsman
SMOKING ban enforcers are warning city pubs and clubs they will not tolerate smokers sheltering in doorways as the weather takes a turn for the worse.
Reader itching to rid yard of poison ivy The Daily News of Newburyport
Q: This year, we didn't mulch our yard, and we are now experiencing poison ivy everywhere. My husband and I weeded in June, and we got a very bad case of poison ivy and had to be treated with steroids. Did we make a mistake in not mulching? How can we get rid of the poison ivy safely?
September 20-26 Seattle Weekly
This week's music calendar.
Ileostomy Surgery Patient Shares ‘Secret’ on 12th Anniversary of Life ‘Without a Bag’ PR Web
An ileostomy surgery procedure known as the BCIR gave Gary Woodward the freedom and comfort that nothing but ‘life without a bag’ could provide. In the latest issue of “Quality of Life” magazine, Woodward celebrates his ‘no-bag’ life, his devotion to the healer and friend who made it possible and his deep concern for fellow Brooke ostomates who may never know about the life-changing operation.
September 13-19. Seattle Weekly
This week's music calendar.

Veterinary Information - Toxins that Affect Dogs
Chocolate toxicity Chocolate poisoning Lead Poisoning. also see Snakebite also see Dog Index. Holiday Toxic brew - Raisin and Alcohol toxicity
Chocolate toxicity in dogs
A milligram(mg) = 1/1000 of a gram So for a 50 pound dog, a toxic dose would be roughly 2.2 grams (2200 mg) of pure chocolate.
The Straight Dope: Is chocolate toxic to dogs?
Many people have tried to convince me chocolate is toxic to dogs. A dog who eats a package of baking chocolate isn't necessarily overeating but could
Home-Chocolate Toxicity In Animals
of our favourite treats, it contains a substance that is toxic to animals. How is chocolate toxicosis treated? Top If your dog is having a seizure,
Pet Health Tips chocolate toxicity
What should be done if a dog does ingest a toxic amount of chocolate? If it has been less than 2 hours, the dog should be made to vomit.

The Straight Dope: Is chocolate toxic to dogs?
Many people have tried to convince me chocolate is toxic to dogs. A dog who eats a package of baking chocolate isn't necessarily overeating but could
Home-Chocolate Toxicity In Animals
of our favourite treats, it contains a substance that is toxic to animals. How is chocolate toxicosis treated? Top If your dog is having a seizure,
Home-Human Foods that Poison Pets
Cocoa powder and cooking chocolate are the most toxic forms. A 10-kilogram dog can be seriously affected if it eats a quarter of a 250gm packet of cocoa
Pet Health Tips chocolate toxicity
What should be done if a dog does ingest a toxic amount of chocolate? If it has been less than 2 hours, the dog should be made to vomit.
Free Information About Chocolate Poisoning in Dogs
Symptoms of Chocolate Dog Ingestion and Poisoning You can recognize that your dog has eaten a toxic dose of chocolate from the symptoms.
Avoid Giving Your Dog Toxic Foods
They are toxic to your dog if he eats too much chocolate. Noticeable effects of overeating include hyperactivity, restlessness, muscle twitches,
Dog health - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A chocolate bar can be sufficient to make a small dog extremely ill or even The antifreeze itself is not toxic, but is metabolized in the liver to a
Care For Animals
It takes only about 1/2 teaspoon per pound for a dog to get a toxic dose of It often surprises pet owners to discover that for animals, chocolate is

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