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Making pancakes Roanoke Times
If a career in the NFL isn't in the offing, Virginia Tech center Danny McGrath would like to become a chef. BLACKSBURG -- Of the 12,000-plus Division I-A football players in the country, Virginia Tech center Danny McGrath may be the only one whose television isn't stuck on ESPN. Oh, McGrath loves his sports now. Like his teammates, McGrath is a huge college football fan. He's probably
Digging potatoes Times Leader
AKRON, Ohio — At a farm stand on the outskirts of Mantua, Ohio, potatoes with the soil still clinging to them were a harbinger of things to come. Just up the road, in the village proper, were enough spuds to keep Beetle Bailey on KP duty for eternity.
Jamming in the kitchen Austin American-Statesman
Inside the tour van, foam cups and fast food receipts testify to what filled the band's road bellies.
In Mantua, Potatoes take the cake Akron Beacon Journal
At a farm stand on the outskirts of Mantua, potatoes with the soil still clinging to them were a harbinger of things to come. Just up the road, in the village proper, were enough spuds to keep Beetle Bailey on KP duty for eternity.

Chocolate Chip Pancakes with Honey Syrup Recipe -- Mr Breakfast
Another recipe from the world's largest database devoted solely to breakfast (Chocolate Chip Pancakes with Honey Syrup) -- find a recipe or add one.
Smile-face Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipe -- Mr Breakfast
Another recipe from the world's largest database devoted solely to breakfast (Smile-face Chocolate Chip Pancakes) -- find a recipe or add one.
Recipes : Chocolate Chip Pancakes : Food Network
Recipes from Food Network. Click here for a random recipe. Get a new recipe every time you click! Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipes like Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipes like Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipe, Raspberry Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipe, Raspberry Chocolate.
Chocolate Chip Pancakes recipe - Breakfast and Brunch from
Get recipe ideas, food ideas and talk about cooking on the message Top : Breakfast and Brunch : Chocolate Chip Pancakes. breakfast and brunch recipes

Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipes like Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipes like Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipe, Raspberry Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipe, Raspberry Chocolate.
Smile-face Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipe -- Mr Breakfast
Another recipe from the world's largest database devoted solely to breakfast (Smile-face Chocolate Chip Pancakes) -- find a recipe or add one.
Chocolate Chip Pancakes recipe - Breakfast and Brunch from
Get recipe ideas, food ideas and talk about cooking on the message Top : Breakfast and Brunch : Chocolate Chip Pancakes. breakfast and brunch recipes
EEE Cooks: Buttermilk Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipe
Buttermilk Chocolate Chip Pancakes. recipe picture. Nothing fancy here - just buttermilk pancakes with chocolate chips. While it might not be the most
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Pancakes - All Recipes - Brunch
These simple pancakes contain neither eggs nor dairy, and taste great with your favorite syrup! Be sure to use vegan chocolate chips.
Discover how detailed information, tips, techniques and recipes can improve CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES: Sprinkle 2 teaspoons chocolate chips (the mini ones
COLAVITA RECIPES ARCHIVE -Chocolate Chip Pancakes-
He loves chocolate chip pancakes; in this recipe I replaced butter with olive oil. This one is a keeper. And as a future nutritionist and food lover I can
Yahoo! Answers - What is the best chocolate chip pancake recipe?
Yahoo! Answers is a new way to find and share information. You can ask questions on any topic, get answers from real people, and share your insights and

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