

One Laptop Per Child Analyst Meeting - Transcribed!
It is your source for presentations on the One Laptop Per; Child, Children's Machine XO by OLPC's leadership, including MIT Media Lab co-founder Nicholas Negroponte, cribed for non-commercial study and investigation, commentary and
Mary Lou Jepsen at OLPC Analyst Meeting
On Thursday, April 26, One Laptop Per; Child held a three-hour analyst meeting at their headquarters in Cambridge, MA. The OLPC Leadership spoke on several key aspects of the Children's Machine XO architecture and the program's overall
What's Allowed In Your Wine and its Winemaking
Up to 7.19 grams per; liter allowed for treatment. Activated charcoal -- used to filter wine and improve color. Up to 3 grams per; liter allowed for treatment. Water / H20 -- used to reduce alcohol levels, reduce acidity.
One Laptop Per Child
Stu Leigh of Real World Productions sent me a link the this video, in which Hakon Wium Lie, the CTO of Opera Software, demonstrates the hardware for the new OLPC (One Laptop Per; Child) initiaitve. It's pretty impressive.
pages per visitor
average number of pages per; visitor
Dahr Jamail: One Unexploded Bomb Per Person
"We are clearing approximately 50 square metres of land per; day," the chief of the Beligian engineers detachment who gave his name as Lt. Col. Watteeuw told IPS back at their base. "The UN Mine Action Coordination Centre manages 60
Water usage
I pulled out our water bills and for the last few years our household has been using about 600 litres per; person per; week, which is fantastic based on the report. In 2002 and 2003 we were using about 1500 litres each every week so it
Book Review: The Art & Science of Wine
The Art & Science of Wine By James Halliday & Hugh Johnson Mitchell Beazley – new edition of a classic Don’t be put off by the title. It is not an overly technical or scientific book. The two authors – giants in the world of wine
Karazhan group make upper boss
Forum: Raids & Instances Posted By: ChronicCodez Post Time: 29-04-2007 at 03:20 AM
Nati per leggere
Nati per Leggere è un progetto nazionale senza fini di lucro.Ha l obiettivo di promuovere la lettura ad alta voce ai bambini di età compresa tra i 6 mesi ei
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Il nuovo sito del Centro nazionale per l'informatica nella pubblica amministrazione è all'indirizzo
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Rassegna Strumenti informatici per l'Antichità Classica
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