Guides : RETARD

Upgrading to WP 2.1 in progressâ€
Marge reacts
Marge, a friend of mine, reacts to the sudden flurry of activity on my blog
"One of the most disgusting, foul things I've seen -- by any
If you say "[o]ne of the most disgusting, foul things I've seen -- by any illiterate retard," aren't you really creating a tiny category of things written by "illiterate retards" and thus totally undercutting the force of your insult?
Retard Sandwiches? So '80s
Frustrated clerk to group of traders: Did you guys have retard sandwiches for lunch or something? Smart-ass in back: I had a burrito. Trading Desk Chicago, Illinois Overheard by: Walking by Thumbs up | Thumbs down | wtf?
rkeller == retard
here is the whole rambling bamblin retarded look at me commit political suicide speech… watch it here. mr. speaker, the iraq war is the central issue of our time. spending $2 billion a week, and losing 100 american lives a month.
What is satire
If you plan to troll me, you might want to read this first
Date Added: retard 02/17/2007 02:01
retard cat
my cat ran into the door windows a couple of times he did it more than 2 times i just didnt cathc the first few on tape
uuber retard moments of deus and spork part 2
uuber retard moments of deus and spork part 2
Manna From Heaven?
We just got this from a neighbor:. If you’re wondering what that stuff is, it’s called Hemin and it’s supposedly the bread of Padre Pio. The bread is called Hemin. It is the bread of Padre Pio and it comes from the Vatican.
retard: bc retard | retard de croissance | bc retard | retard de croissance | retard