Shill-bidding: ECS researchers propose a solution for online auctions
Researchers at the University of Southampton have proposed a solution to ‘shill-bidding’, a disruptive but increasingly prevalent practice which threatens the integrity of online auctions such as eBay
online auctions
The online auction business model is one in which participants bid for products and When one thinks of online auctions they typically think of eBay, While there is no denying the increasing popularity of online auctions,
How to Sell Your Antiques, Collectibles and Memorabilia
Sell the item yourself on one of the online auction sites. It is not difficult to do but you do need a digital camera to get photos of your item posted with your auction. You need to write a very detailed description, including all
Don't Get Scammed In Online Auctions
You can literally find almost anything for sale somewhere in an online auction. But, with most of the sellers being individuals and with it not being a face-to-face action there is a chance of getting scammed.
Online auction scams spreading
Buying items online through popular auction sites such as eBay has become as become a major stream of commerce. But while bidding online, don’t buy into the spreading scam involving “second chance” auctions.
newtron AG concluded contract with DaimlerChrysler for online auctions
Press Release at by newtron AG from 02-13-2007, 11:53 AM - The newtron AG, Europeans leading specialist for IT solutions for the optimization of strategic and operative purchasing processes, concluded a contract with
The eFencing Problem. It’s easy, it’s profitable, no wonder its
It’sa growing problem as thieves are increasingly using the internet and online auctions to sell stolen property. Rather than use a traditional “fence” (note, a fence is an individual who knowingly buys stolen property for later resale
Stop Worrying! How to Solve the eCommerce Trust Problem. A must
That’s easy: it’s trust – more accurately, the widespread LACK of trust among online shoppers. A shopper becomes a buyer only when her confidence is sufficient to push the “Add to Cart” and “Checkout” buttons.
cash in on ebay selling
Making money from online auctions is one of the easiest home businesses to start, maintain, and earn a profit . The concept is simple; buy a product cheap and sell it for a higher price. Much like having a yard sale, you can even sell
cash in on ebay selling
Making money from online auctions is one of the easiest home businesses to start, maintain, and earn a profit . The concept is simple; buy a product cheap and sell it Posted by MrKumar to Auctions online on Mon Feb 19 2007 at 10:41 GMT
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