Molly Ivins: 1944-2007
Robert Scheer. Articles, Tributes and Links:. Stand Up Against the Surge (Ivins' final column, An Irreplaceable Voice (a tribute from fellow progressive journalist Robert Scheer) Legendary Texas Journalist Dies After Long Bout With
True Confessions
True Confessions by Greg Scheer, October, 2003. The second hand keeps on ticking, the hours fly, but I But if I had been Adam and you were Eve, I think I’d bite any apple that you offered me. The serpent is speaking
Own the Groove
1) I played in a drum circle on New Year's Eve at the home of our good friends the It's a much better way to spend New Year's Eve than getting smashed on Helping me find the groove Sunday was my colleague Greg Scheer, the music
Dienstag, 6. Februar 2007
18:00-19:00 ZDF SOKO Köln: Sondereinsatz Krimiserie 2006 mit Eve Scheer (Handwerkerin), Gundula Rapsch (Alexandra Gebhardt), Jasmin Gerat (Jale Beck), Johanna Bönninghaus (Monika Schwarz) und Kerstin Landsmann (Vanessa Haas) 19:25-20:15
Today's Must Read Here is a piece penned by Eric
One the eve of the battle, Waldron had urged his men to write one last letter home to their families, lest they never get another chance. Some critics respond, like Robert Scheer above, that we simply have no enemies to fight.
The Eve
(Photo Courtesy: Robert Scheer/ The Star) This year must have been the most chill New Year of all time. I stay home like an old maid, eat a lot, and watch more football. How exciting!!! Anyway, the Colts win over Dolphins tonight--all
Pictures from the 'burgh
It was SO nice to be home :) Christmas Eve Sisters Elizabeth and her boyfriend Evan Rachel, Jim and I Out to Houlihan's Felicia, Me, Becky Scheer, Me, Foote Scheer, Me, Foote #2 Eat 'n Park Me and
Super Bowl February 3, 2007 8:40 am
The Super Bowl ranks #1 in terms of home parties (it even beats New Year?s Eve), and it ranks #2 in food consumption, according to the book, Robert Scheer and Joshua Scheer for a discussion on the NFL?s racist history,
World to US: you suck
The World Agrees: Stop Him -- by Robert Scheer/ truthdig Another Washington Post-ABC News poll, released on the eve of President George W. Bush's State of the Union speech to Congress Tuesday, found that 65 percent of respondents
Eve Scheer @ DE Maxim 2004
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eve+scheer: eve+scheer