Guides : ADEN EVE

Sydney NYE 2006/7 - Fireworks
We headed over to Bradleys Head, just under Taronga Zoo to watch the fireworks on New Years Eve, and Sydney certainly didn't disappoint. We were greeted with 2 sets of stunning firework displays, the 9pm family display and the 15minute
The Master Deceiver
3:1-5,13 — The serpent was subtle and lied to Eve — beguiled (deceived) her. Had Eve understood God’s real love and the real consequences of obeying Satan, she would not have done it. Satan denied the consequences and made evil appear
New Years Eve
New Years Eve in Aden was surprisingly fun! I went with some friends to a club that sits on the top floor of a hotel here. There was live music, drinks, and dancingtotally my scene! At midnight, th
At mid-day on a sunny Christmas Eve, I found myself again in a kayak, The incident took place late Wednesday in the Gulf of Aden when Yemeni peace of Newport's harbor and the chaos in the Gulf of Aden reminds me that we all must
Mary in a Martha World
I thought we were rehearsing a duet for Christmas Eve, but at the end of practice I Friday, I accompanied Aden on a school field trip to see a ballet Aden was enthralled with the show (good thing since Scott and I have a love
Bush didn't start it — Clinton did
In 1998, then President Bill Clinton on the eve of presidential impeachment hearings Now the US military strike against Iraq occurred on the eve of Clinton’s Did not follow-up on the attempted bombing of Aden marines in Yemen.
The Case Of Muhammad Salah
US District Judge Amy St. Eve agreed Tuesday to close the courtroom when said the government put St. Eve in a difficult position by taking The other two men were sent to Aden. Four months after his fer he remains detained.
October Events
After Aden’s soccer game and lunch, we took the kids to an area church that Aden wasn’t going for it so we had to try the sneak attack. The festival started off with a children’s sermon about All Hallow’s Eve and All Saints Day.
Damn. I got 'tagged' by Gerry Beuchelt.
In the course of my childhood, I lived in Lebanon, Egypt, Aden (now South Yemen), Yugoslavia (now the FRY), Kuwait and Saudi One of my favourite words (thanks to Eve Maler) is apophasis - though I wouldn't dream of admitting it;
Christmas 2006
We left late Christmas Eve because we were too excited to wait anymore to see Katie and Aden :) Christmas day we spent time both sides of our families and had a great time everywhere. Luke got to spend time with both of his cousins,
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