info: YAHOO

Web e scaramanzia: Yahoo! rivela abitudini e riti degli italiani ...
Trend Online - Mai come in questo periodo di sfide calcistiche ci si affida alla buona sorte. Ma si possono vincere i Mondiali di calcio con la fortuna? I cybernauti sono superstiziosi? Yahoo! ha voluto scoprire se ...
by Scalo Internazionale Migranti Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 10:57 PM ...
Indymedia Italia - by Scalo Internazionale Migranti Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 10:57 PM: mail: Come annunciato ieri pomeriggio durante il consiglio comunale, il sindaco Cofferati questa mattina ha ...
Google Desktop 4 si apre agli sviluppatori
01Net - La nuova versione del programma - che vede in X1, Copernic, Yahoo Desktop Search e MSN Search Toolbar, i più acerrimi rivali - mira ad integrarsi in modo ancora più stretto con gli altri ...
Tenaris TS 37,67 : 2 : 1,2595 = 14,95 € Volumi 1.938.100
FinanzaOnline - Tra i big del listino, invece, segnaliamo la chiusura in denaro di Microsoft (+1,42%), Intel (+1,56%), Applied Materials (+0,56%), Yahoo! (+0,57%), Dell Computer (+0,51%) e Symantec (+0,58%), mentre ...
Caccia alle immagini proibite
Il Corriere della Sera - Il gruppo, organizzato da Aol, include Yahoo, Microsoft, Earthlink e United Online. E' previsto lo stanziamento di un milione di dollari per un nuovo progetto del National Center for Missing and ...
Grandi novita' sono in arrivo nel cantiere Microsoft. Svelato un ...
Studio Celentano - Altre novita' riguardano l'uscita di Microsoft Office Communicator (client software che permette di usare gli Instant Messaging di Msn, Aol e Yahoo! in un'unica piattaforma, che fa anche da VoIP e ...
ger 0 - arg 0
Yahoo! Italia - Yahoo! Mail Crea la tua casella di posta gratuita con Yahoo! Mail Yahoo! Musica Musica e calcio: guarda i video e ascolta la radio dei Mondiali FIFA World Cup Mobile I Mondiali sul tuo cellulare con i ...
Portel -
Yahoo! Italia - Il suo arrivo in Europa è stato annunciato lo scorso mese di marzo ed è già campione di incassi Copyright © 2006 Yahoo! Italia S.r.l. Tutti i diritti riservati. Yahoo e la tua privacy - Condizioni ... -
Yahoo! Italia - TEMPORALI in viaggio da ovest ad est sul nord Italia, giornata molto calda sull'Adriatico Copyright © 2006 Yahoo! Italia S.r.l. Tutti i diritti riservati. Yahoo e la tua privacy - Condizioni ...
Wimbledon: fuori anche Sanguinetti
Yahoo! Italia - Anche Davide Sanguinetti deve dire addio ai prati londinesi. L`italiano e` stato battuto dal Cerca in Yahoo! Sport: ...
Yahoo settles 'click fraud' lawsuit (AP via Yahoo! News)
Yahoo Inc. will consider refunding money to thousands of advertisers dating back to January 2004 and pay $4.95 million in attorney fees to settle a class-action lawsuit alleging the Internet powerhouse has been profiting from bogus sales referrals generated through a sham known as "click fraud."...
Judge approves Yahoo "click fraud" settlement: WSJ (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
A federal judge on Wednesday gave preliminary approval to a settlement in a lawsuit that accused Yahoo Inc. of not adequately protecting advertisers from a practice known as "click fraud," the Wall Street Journal reported....
Yahoo settles 'click fraud' suit: AP (Market Watch)
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Yahoo Inc. will consider refunding money to thousands of advertisers and pay $4.95million in attorney fees to settle a class-action lawsuit alleging the Internet powerhouse has been profiting from bogus sales referrals generated through a sham known as "click fraud," according to a media report Wednesday. ...
Judge OKs Yahoo click fraud settlement (ZDNet)
Preliminary approval given to a settlement in a lawsuit that accused Yahoo of not adequately protecting advertisers...
Yahoo Settles 'Click Fraud' Lawsuit (ABC News)
Yahoo Settles Class-Action Lawsuit Alleging Internet Powerhouse Profited From 'Click Fraud'...
Yahoo settles 'click fraud' lawsuit (Sydney Morning Herald)
Yahoo Inc.will consider refunding money to thousands of advertisers dating back to January 2004 and pay $US4.95 million in legal fees to settle a class-action lawsuit alleging the internet powerhouse has been profiting from bogus sales referrals generated through a sham known as "click fraud."...
Yahoo settles 'click fraud' lawsuit (MSNBC)
Yahoo Inc. will consider refunding money to thousands of advertisers  and pay millions in attorney fees to settle a class-action lawsuit alleging the Internet powerhouse has been profiting from "click fraud."...
Yahoo settles class-action lawsuit (The Age)
Yahoo Inc will consider refunding money to thousands of advertisers dating back to January 2004 and pay $US4.95 million ($A6.8 million) in lawyers' fees to settle a class-action lawsuit....
Yahoo settles class-action lawsuit (AAP via Yahoo!7 News)
Yahoo will consider refunding money to thousands of advertisers and pay $6.8 million in fees to settle a class-action lawsuit....
Yahoo Settles 'Click Fraud' Lawsuit (Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune)
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Yahoo Inc. will consider refunding money to thousands of advertisers dating back to January 2004 and pay $4.95 million in attorney fees to settle a class-action lawsuit alleging the Internet powerhouse has been profiting from bogus sales referrals generated through a sham known as "click fraud.'' The agreement, given preliminary approval Wednesday by U.S. District Judge ...

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