First of all, many thanks to Klaus Weidner for his work at [].
He's the author of fbvnc code, and of the original project [Debian on Handhelds].
--NEW-- Compiled new drivers for prism2 cards.
Now it's possible to sniff in true monitor mode, & spoof the MAC address. here
I've tested all the below stuff on my z, and all it's working ok,
never reflashed, never a problem or instability.
But be aware, if something goes wrong, it's possible that your z. wont boot anymore,
and that you need to re-flash it.
See also this "diary" if you want more detailed info on z. boot/init process.
1a] If you have a linux box, it's higly recommended that you install the usbdnet standalone module.
i.ex. or The kernel module, on the other hand, is very unstable & kernelpanic prone.
[Of course it's possible also to do all the job via the Z keyboard]
Anyway, if you want to use the usb cradle connectivity, do something similar:
- create & chmod this on your pc [say you name it 'zaurus']:
#! /bin/bash
typeset -i num
num=`ifconfig | grep usb0 | wc -l`
if [ $num -eq 0 ] ; then
ifconfig usb0 netmask up
route add -host usb0
- add this to your pc '/etc/hosts': zaurus
this way, you can quickly execute 'zaurus' then 'telnet zaurus'.
[I assume that you've already modprobed usb-uhci & usbdnet]
2] Format with mke2fs your SD card.
mke2fs /dev/mmcda1
3] Cd in the SD card, and upload here the 2 tarball of 1]
[a little note: when I've dloaded the zaurus-debian-big-v0.15.tgz it was not gzipped, it was just a tar.
dunno if it's the broken brain of IE ;)]
- if you've the usb cradle inserted you can, via netcat, do something like:
nc -l -p 1234 > tarball.tar [zaurus side]
cat tarball.tar | nc zaurus 1234 [pc side]
--------BEGIN SNIP--------
case "$ACTION" in
MOUNT_RES = `mount | grep $DEVICE`
if [ "$MOUNT_RES" = "" ]; then
--------ENDOF SNIP--------
- edit /etc/fstab, and in '/dev/mmcda1' line, add 'noatime'
[during the execution of, answer YES at all, but NO at these 2:
Permit unsafe VNC connections without passwords?
Run 'Fbvnc' now?
--- Note: you can also safely answer yes at the 1st question, because, in this installation, the Xvnc server runs only locally. ---
- gunzip the fbvnc-arm-1.3.3beta.gz and copy to /mnt/card/debroot/usr/bin/fbvnc
- add "-w c700" in the last lines of /usr/local/bin/Fbvnc this way:
--------BEGIN SNIP--------
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
fbvnc -hw c700
fbvnc -hw c700 "$@"
--------ENDOF SNIP--------
- edit /etc/debroot.conf
--------BEGIN FILE--------
### /etc/debroot.conf
# Configuration for the Debian chroot environment startup process
# IMPORTANT: boolean settings (DEB_FOO=1) are true if not empty, so
# comment out the entry (put a '#' at the start of the line) if you
# want to deactivate it.
- find in the /etc/rc.d tree the symlink to zdebian and delete it.
[Note: don't delete the file. Only delete the symlink. Here below you'll need to edit it.]
- edit /etc/rc.d/init.d/zdebian
--------BEGIN SNIP--------
## sh [linked to ash] doesnt exec cleanly, so we set bash instead
[ "$DEBROOT" ] || exit 1
if [ ! -d "$DEBROOT" ]; then
echo "Waiting for $DEBROOT to be fscked..."
while ps ax | grep -v grep | grep e2fsck >/dev/null
sleep 1
sleep 1
if [ ! -d "$DEBROOT" ]; then
echo "Waiting for $DEBROOT to be mounted..."
sleep 10
cd $DEBROOT || exit 1
[the real 2 changes are the 2 /bin/bash invocations at the beginning & at line 41.
the original '/bin/sh' fails to execute cleanly the exec fifo commands. it's an 'ash' issue
(/bin/sh is linked to 'ash', NOT to 'bash').
Many thanks to my brother, Davide, for helping in pointing out this.]
- cd in /home/zaurus, create & chmod 755 these 2 files:
note: this file (what.txt) will be your 'boot flag'.
-> if it's "a" then the next boot will be debian
-> if it's "q" then the next boot will be qtopia
be sure to not edit or remove this file, because it's needed in the init process [see below]
[I mean, it must be absolutely "a" or "q", or you can byebye the z. and reflash it ;)]
still in /home/zaurus, do a:
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/zdebian
- edit /usr/mnt.rom/card/usr/local/bin/zvncserver [security improvement]
I've changed also the '/bin/sh' first line in '/bin/bash'
And also in Fbvnc.
--------BEGIN SNIP--------
[ -f $AUTH_FILE ] && AUTH="-rfbauth $AUTH_FILE"
## with '-localhost' we allow only connection from the same machine on which Xvnc runs
## with '-nolisten tcp' [undocumented feature, at least with this goal] we stop Xvnc from listen also on 6000+DISPLAY port
Xvnc -localhost -nolisten tcp -geometry $GEOM -depth 16 -pixelformat RGB565 $AUTH $DISPLAY &
#-fp /usr/lib/vnc/fonts/misc \
#-co /usr/lib/vnc/rgb \
sleep 5
cd $HOME
--------ENDOF SNIP--------
[Note: about the '6000+DISPLAY port' issue, I've mailed also freebsd bug repos.]
- edit /etc/inetd.conf [security improvement]
leave only this line uncommented:
--------BEGIN LINE--------
telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin.rom/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.telnetd
--------ENDOF LINE--------
after that, you must also create /etc/hosts.allow & /etc/hosts.deny, add 1 entry in /etc/hosts,
and update /usr/mnt.rom/card/etc/hosts
--------BEGIN FILE--------
### Do not edit this file - it was copied
### from /usr/mnt.rom/card/etc/hosts by ./zdebian
### Edit /etc/debroot.conf to deactivate this.
### Do not edit this file - it was copied
### from /usr/mnt.rom/card/etc/hosts by ./zdebian
### Edit /etc/debroot.conf to deactivate this.
--------ENDOF FILE--------
Update your debroot hosts file:
cp /etc/hosts /usr/mnt.rom/card/etc/hosts
Set the allow/deny rules:
--------BEGIN FILE--------
--------ENDOF FILE--------
and try to connect with a new 'telnet zaurus' from your PC,
and try also a 'telnet localhost' from inside the z.
you must connect from pc, and denied from the z.
- stop useless services from auto starting:
[as I said in the intro, I assume you're not so interested in syncing with outlook and other windoze stuff :)]
in /etc/rc.d/init.d do a
chmod 000 portmap chmod 000 samba
- if you want to change the 2nd splashscreen with your own:
* create an image 480x640, bitmap format.
[this is the output of 'file':
PC bitmap data, Windows 3.x format, 480 x 640 x 24
* copy in /home/QtPalmtop/pics144/Startup_screen.bmp
################### editing files in /dev/root ###################
before you can edit the files mounted in /dev/root, you must do an
mount -o rw,remount /dev/root /
[be aware to not make big mistakes from now.. :)]
this is my /root/etc/sysconfig/init,
don't remember if it's like the original
--------BEGIN FILE--------
MOVE_TO_COL="echo -en \\033[${RES_COL}G"
SETCOLOR_SUCCESS="echo -en \\033[1;32m"
SETCOLOR_FAILURE="echo -en \\033[1;31m"
SETCOLOR_WARNING="echo -en \\033[1;33m"
SETCOLOR_NORMAL="echo -en \\033[0;39m"
--------ENDOF FILE--------
- edit /root/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit [with this change, we see at least some log msgs on the screen instead of the red/white sharp splashscreen :)]
--------BEGIN SNIP--------
# Print a banner. ;)
#if [ -z "$SILENT" ] ; then
echo -en $" Welcome to "
[ "$BOOTUP" != "serial" ] && echo -en $"\\033[1;31m"
echo -en $"WHATYOUWANT"
[ "$BOOTUP" != "serial" ] && echo -en $"\\033[0;39m"
echo $" Zaurus"
--------ENDOF SNIP--------
- edit /root/etc/rc.d/rc.rofilesys [this is the trick for 'booting' in debian]
--------BEGIN SNIP--------
#echo $LAUNCH > /home/sharp/etc/launch.default
cat /home/zaurus/what.txt > /home/sharp/etc/launch.default
--------ENDOF SNIP--------
- open Konsole
- su as root
- in /home/zaurus execute "./"
this will give you a console log.
login, become root.
Then if you want to start Debian, do a
./zdebian start
If you want to reboot:
If you want to halt:
/sbin/halt [when all off, remember to switch for at least 5 secs the battery switch]
3] Exiting/switching from Debian
Menu -> Logout
press Fn+Shift+q
execute ./
If you want to start Qtopia, you must simply:
If you want to reboot:
/sbin/reboot [Note: if you boot in 'Debian mode' ('what.txt' == a), you'll get a login prompt. After logged and 'su', do './zdebian start', he.. :)]
If you want to halt:
/sbin/halt [when all off, remember to switch for at least 5 secs the battery switch]
4] Note on screen in console mode:
just type 'clear' + Enter
if you want to clean the screen in console mode.
Take a look here for further specs..
5] Executing command in debian:
using "cru" you can execute like in the 'original' environment.
--------BEGIN SNIP--------
~# cru ls /root
bin etc samba
~# ls /root
HELP.txt debian-faq.pdf
--------ENDOF SNIP--------
[see also this, for further specs, it's a little 'diary' I wrote trying the installation.. :)]