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MTV Italy - Britney Spears sogna un futuro nella televisione. Dopo l'apparizione in un episodio della sit-com " Will & Grace ", la Principessa del Pop sarebbe in trattativa per il ruolo di protagonista in un ...
Seleziona archivio artisti artisti emergenti concerti digital music ...
MTV Italy - Smacco per Britney Spears . La Principessa del Pop, per la prima volta dall'inizio della sua carriera, non č stata inclusa nella top 100 delle celebrities pių y dello showbiz, classifica stilata ...
Videoclip y, vince Christina Aguilera
La Repubblica - Christina Aguilera č ancora la regina delle provocazioni: dopo i baci saffici con Madonna e Britney Spears agli Mtv Awards 2003, ora conquista la testa della classifica dei clip pių "hot" di tutti i ...
Balletti e mosse y Ecco lo show di Britney
La Repubblica - Inseguire i propri miti, cercare di imitarne vezzi e mosse senza averne carisma e spalle larghe, alla lunga ti brucia. Da quando Britney Spears ha deciso che la sua carriera doveva essere la fotocopia ...
Britney Spears visited by child protection (
LOS ANGELES -- Pop singer Britney Spears and husband Kevin Federline, parents of a seven-month-old son, got a visit from local child protection services, the Malibu sheriff\'s department confirmed Tuesday....
Spears' baby hurts head in fall from highchair (The Columbus Dispatch)
Britney Spears' 7-month-old son, Sean Preston, has a hairline skull fracture after taking a tumble from a highchair on April 1. Child-welfare officials visited the singer's Malibu, Calif., home ''and determined there was no reason to open a formal investigation," Spears' attorney said....
Britney's son takes tumble from chair (Pioneer Press)
CELEBRITIES The 6-month-old son of singer Britney Spears and husband Kevin Federline fell from a highchair, prompting social workers to visit the couple's Malibu home over the weekend, sources close to the situation said Tuesday. On Friday, Spears became concerned that her son, Sean Preston Federline, might have a head injury and took him to an emergency room, the sources said. Martin Singer, ...
Federline Dis Song Recorded By Angry Investment Bankers (MTV Music Television)
A pair of Boston investment bankers have recorded "Wake Up, K-Fed," a song that mocks the lyrical skills and hygiene of Mr. Britney Spears. "We're Caucasian WASPy kids, so we're the perfect people to battle him," said rapper Names....
Britney's Baby Scare (AccessHollywood)
Why did child welfare officials pay Britney and Kevin a visit?...
Almost fatuous (Las Vegas CityLife)
BY JARRET KEENE Don't let the academic wardens and literary blogs fool you. There are only a few contemporary American poets adhering to Ezra Pound's dictum of "making it new": Shane Allison, ual raconteur ( Black Fag ); Las Vegas' own Seth Barkan, video game bard ( Blue Wizard Is About to Die ); Joe Pachinko, post-Bukowski nihilist ( The Urinals of Hell )....
AIM partners with Sina to promote UK music via China portal (Interfax)
Shanghai. April 14. INTERFAX-CHINA - Sina signed a deal with the Association of Independent Music (AIM) to offer music and video clips from music companies in the UK via a "UK Music" area of the largest portal in China....
Webjay creates new copyright woes for Yahoo (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Yahoo acquired playlist-sharing site in January. But it seems it may have bought itself a problem. makes downloading the Beatles' music or Kanye West's full-length video as easy as a keyword search and a click of a mouse....
Blab! (Fort Worth Star-Telegram)
Celebrity terror alert: What we should be worried about this week....
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