Guides : TRUCS

TRUCs Series 2001-4 Trust Will Liquidate Its Assets and Terminate
TRUCs Series 2001-4 Trust Will Liquidate Its Assets and Terminate 4-trust-will-liquidate-its-assets-and-terminate
More Trucs: D'Orsay facelift, L'Amour revisited, Frogsmoke
It seems to be a day for odds and ends. Here are a few more items: The Musee d'Orsay is getting a facelift. According to the AP/USA Today, the metal work on the exterior will be restored to a beige
Trucs: Crowe's Bad Annee, Holidays, Josephine Baker, Adopt a Truffle
That movie post (below) was complicated, so today's other post will be a few brief trucs. The Russell Crowe movie, A Good Year, has opened in France, where it fared no better with critics than it did in English-speaking countries
IHT/NYT Trucs: R. Crumb takes over a village, and Paris Fashion
Two articles from the New York Times/International Herald Tribune (registration may be required): Counter culture cartoonist R. Crumb, creator of Fritz the Cat, has moved with his wife and her second husband to somewhere near Nimes.
Paris Trucs: RAPT wishes, Rick and the organ at St. Sulplice
Here is a bunch of Paris items for your delectation: The Paris rapid it is wishing every one a happy new year with posters, post cards, and special Metro tickets (en francais, bien sur). You can view or download them
Trucs and Updates: French Women Book Club, Cardin Museum, Julia
Here are a bunch of trucs that either update earlier items or that I never got around to writing about. On, you can watch a book club discussion with Mirielle Guiliano, author of French Women for All Seasons. (This
Trucs from the Times: Mushrooms, Toni Morrison, Boston Fashion, A
Here are some items from The New York Times (registration may be required) or its sister publication, The International Herald Tribune (where links may stay alive longer). Updating an earlier Truc, Alan Riding writes about Toni
Trucs: Travelling across France; A NYC Dancer in Paris; A Truffle
Pieces of this and that: A staff writer for The Santa Cruz Journal shares memories of a month long trip across France with her son. It's a love letter to the country, even if there are a few California is
Trucs: Toni Morrison at the Louvre, Passing on, Pix of food in Paris
Nobel Prize winning writer Toni Morrison has been name guest curator this month at the Louvre. She will help the museum reach out to new visitors, and special events will include a poetry slam. Two deaths: the oldest French survivor
Trucs: Blogs, Loire Gardens, Photos in Paris, and Gaming for Art
Unbeknown to me, The LA Times has a Paris blog, Postcards from Paris. The keeper of the blog in November will be a fellow named Elliott Hester, a former airline attendant-now-travel writer. It appears the torch will pass back to

TRUCs Series 2001-3 Trust Will Liquidate Its Assets and Terminate Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
NEW YORK----TRUCs Series 2001-3 Trust, which is the issuer of $42,816,850 7.125% Trust Certificates Series 2001-3 , announced today that it will liquidate its assets and terminate because the guarantor of the underlying securities held by the trust has ceased reporting under the Securities Act of 1934.trucs: msn trucs et astuce | trucs con | msn trucs et astuce | trucs con | trucs