Developed by Santostefano Giovanni
contact: idmgiovanni[@]libero[dot]it
HideMe is an encrypt/decrypt Java based program that use a “not so strong” encryption system to hide the content of text files.
To encode/decode a file you have to create a key file that contains several chars (the dimension of the key file is about 300-400 Kbytes).
The key file may not contains any CR (Carriage Return/Return/Invio).
A small sample of keyfile is dowloadble here:
please do not use this file to encode your datas!!!! make your own
You can download the program here
Usage Sample:
To encrypt use the options 'e'
java HideMe e clearfile keyfile encryptedfile
To decript use the options 'd'
java HideMe d encrypted file keyfile decryptedfile