The neighbourhood:

Vallecrosia To few kilometers from Ventimiglia is town quiet one some coast. The original core is born in the inside, in following epoch some inhabitants moved on the sea making be born the new town. The ancient, Vallecrosia high, part has the typical appearance of the strengthened Ligurian village, is still well-stocked visible an ancient embattled tower. In his church two wooden statues of the Madonna, are preserved, you attribute Genoese Giovanni Maragliano to the sculptor.

San Biagio is a small country of the val Crosia surrounding by vineyards with Rossese, from rose-beds and broom cultivations. Country presents as a rural village of homes in ancient stone on the top of the hill that them from the name. In the square we find the saints' Fabiano and Sebastiano built in the 1497 and completely done again at the end of the sevenhundred parish church. On the surrounding territory are very numerous Rossese vineyards.

Soldano is a village that rises to the beginning of the XIII century as defensive castrum. Thick alleys wind between the houses up to reach the principal square, where one finds the church mother realized in the Ottocento.All'interno can admire the polyptych with San Giovanni Battista and saints of the '500. His position, protected from hills of olive-trees and maritime pines, do one of the centers more important of the production of wine Rossese.

Perinaldo erects Crosia on the hills to the shoulders in the country of Soldano, in val, and medieval village is a very good. The history of this country begins 1045 and 1055 in the years when the earl Rinaldo of Ventimiglia had a castle built about to what one established the farmers of the vicinity. At first called Podii Rajnaldi or I lean of Rinaldo, the name changed with the time in Perinaldo. The families some Grimaldi and some Doria alternated periodically to the dominion in country, since when in the XVII century passed to the real home some Savoy and therefore to the county in Nice. This country gave the native one, June 1625, l'8 to the well-known famous astronomer Gian Domenico Cassini for the calculation of the "division of blackboard dusters" between Saturn's rings. To Perinaldo is present an observatory dedicated his famous fellow-citizen still. Perinaldo is goal of Italian and foreign numerous tourists for his beauty, the magnificent hills that surround him, the quiet and the peace that can taste in this ancient village.

Bordighera It is a turist famous center some coast offers some flowers. He not sinks his roots into very far epoches, about is born Fivehundred years ago, the original part is "high" country, recent more her "marinates. In the XVII century eight town that freed Ventimiglia council with Napoleonic coming in the Ligurian Republic from the free was belonging to the "magnificent community of the eight places." About at 1872 the inauguration took place some railway and Bordighera from small village on the promontory of Sant' Ampelio and bay of fishermen in the fraction of Arziglia, extended hips in the flat zone. They start growing villas, palaces, gardens and parks and she is crossed by avenues and wide roads. Her town gets rich of enchanting one walk at sea, they are born the Roman street and the very beautiful street of the necks. The favourable position of the town and the meek climate turned her into an importing resort of living room, for first to find out her English travellers toward the end of 1800 were. To Bordighera one perform theatrical numerous demonstrations, shows and representations, to mention the international festival of the humour that performs every year in September. Info -

Vallebona nice country on Bordighera rises is one of the Ligurian more ancient villages. Crossing the door holy Maria one reach the square and the church of St. Lawrence, the artistic bell tower goes up again century to the XIII.

Seborga is a very little principality with a very rich and ancient history. He was made autonomous by the county of Ventimiglia, and the congress in Vienna of 1815 that was not worried about the destination of the principality. For this reason Seborga beats for his independence.

Ospedaletti rises between black head and head Sant' Ampelio, to only five kilometers from Sanremo. Thanks to the particularly meek climate he presents luxuriant one sub tropical vegetation. The ancient core, a pretty church dedicated at San Giovanni Battista and few homes of fishermen, is on the sea and she seems to be founded by the mortar riders. On the walk of queen course Margherita issues sultana villa that lodged from 1911 the first mess at 1924 of Italy.

Sanremo It is the more importing turist center than the coast than the flowers. A Mediterranean and tropical vegetation characterizes the avenues, the walks and the sea front of the town. S. row it is rich of green, numerous gardens and parks are present in the town. Empress course, with his palms given in 1875 empress of everybody from Maria Alexandrowna Russie, is a course Delicious. To beginning some walk erects the Russian orthodox, erect church in 1910 and consecrated in 1913 is a rare building for western Europe. The architect sanremese Augusts Pietro cured the jobs, while the project fù of the artist Russian Chousseff. His architecture recreates an east corner and is surmounted by a side spire and five domes to bulb lined of polychrome enamels and golden cards. Inside his square presents and icons of remarkable invoice are. From 1921 at 1989 the remains of king Nicola the, some queen Milena and some daughters of theirs, last sovereigns of Montenegro, rested in the underground crypt. Required below of the government of Montenegro corpses were taken back in their country. S. Remo is also famous for his casino that was for thirty years seat of the festival of the Italian song. The casino also includes an Opera House, actors famous and teachers trod this stage as Eduardo de Filippo, Alfano, Mascagni and Cilea. Numerous art shows take place in this place of business in the summer period. The pine-cone, that is the old town, with his typical laid houses them une to the other, pretty, the pretty squares pretty, the fountains in stone and the carrugi is a very characteristic place. To his sommità one erects Madonna's sanctuary of the coast. To S. Remo are present two harbours, Portovecchio, a mooroing for numerous one flotilla of fishing boats, and Portosole, a turist modern landing between the mores equipped than the Mediterranean that offers thousand placed for boats from 7 at 90 mt. Of length. Numerous important demonstrations take place to in this town, to mention some remember the festival of the Italian song, the rally of S. Remo, the' very classical spring ones: Milan s. Oar, the festival of the blues and very a lot of other. Info -

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