Le radeau de la peinture

[…] Every work is a project for a space base, an attracting picture for the infinite voyaging meteorites.   The combination consist of a base of thick canvas, as seen, sewn and torn, solid and eloquent, which guarantees permanence after landing, a base  which stands the bumps and the signs of natures once upon a time separated: one is energetic, gestural, missilistic with a space corollary of nebulas and constellations of wakes, drops, scribble and traces of loses; the other is impressive of letters, numbers, words in painting form, and image which unhinge metropolitan petulance to become exhibitis of solitary letters of the artist.    […] Painting like a wandering raft in space, strong on canvas, sewn and resewn on which signs, drips and figures jump, safely stored are  words, vapours, black holes and customs symbols and then a perilous course though the storm, among wind and disconnected bilows. Each work is, in the end, a raft after the storm on the open sea, a flat sea: the clear light of the halo reveals everything, all the signs taken aboard during a drift which transforms into painting.


                                                                                                        VIRGINIA  BARADEL   

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